geography. Essay

2012-12-11 4:32 am
Please to answer the following essay question

Describe how people manage coastal environment by hard engineering
Using Hong Kong as an example, discuss whether hard engineering
strategies are more effective than soft engineering strategies in mitigating
coastal erosion.

Help me to write the geography essay!

回答 (1)

2012-12-11 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you may need to answer according to this pattern:

1. introduction (to summarize those things which you think are important about hard engineering strategies)

2. describe examples in hong kong as well as in other parts in the world, as an opening of the paragraph. Then describe the hard engineering strategies.

3. another introduction of soft engineering strategies (REMEMBER: NOT to give your opinion!!!!!)

4. state out all advantages and disadvantages of those hard and soft engineering strategies.

5. conclusion, summarize those what you've said. Remember NOT to give opinion!!! (because it's unlike the question word" evaluate")

Hope this may help you:)

2012-12-10 23:28:45 補充:
AH... sorry... I get it wrong, it's optional to write an introduction and a conclusion. A geography essay unlike history or liberal studies' essay, you may not write those paragraphs in order to save time.

i suggest you NOT TO WRITE INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION in order to save time!!!!

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