
2012-12-10 10:03 am
請指教, 我的貓咪最近做完了一項骨科手術,現想寫一封聖誕咭給醫生道謝,但醫生是外國人請代翻譯如下,可稍作修改.

DR. David,
很感謝你為我的貓咪完成的骨科手術, 牠康復得很好, 真的十分感謝你和各位護士的悉心照顧, 在此祝福你們聖誕快樂,工作順利.

回答 (3)

2012-12-10 2:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My dear Dr. David,
I am grateful to you for your help regarding the successful operation of bone illness for my cat. As the result, she has now been recovering quickly and in good condition. With your's and all the veterianary nurses' assistances, I hereby wish all of you a merry Christmas as well as a successful business to achieve.
Yours Sincerely,
Phone or email address
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Transl ation” by Hongkong Oxford University Press1975
2012-12-13 7:22 am
DR. David,
Very grateful to the orthopedic surgery you have done for my cat, it recovered well, really very grateful to you and you care nurses, to wish you a Merry Christmas, and every success in your work
參考: google
2012-12-10 1:39 pm
DR. David,Thank you very much for my cat complete Department of orthopedics operation, it recovered well, really thank you very much for you and you care of nurses, wish you a merry Christmas, the work is smooth.


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