
2012-12-10 7:12 am

A要被處以極刑,他的一些好友也沒辦法營救,他被押到刑場,A快要被處決時,女主角的父親騎馬及時趕到,來出示赫免令。最後A 和B終於可以幸幸福福的一起生活下去。

回答 (3)

2012-12-10 10:19 am
✔ 最佳答案

A was condemned* to an execution* and some his good friends could not rescue* him from it. He, then*, was taken to the execution ground* and going to be soon* executed*. The father of B, the leading actress*, was riding on the horseback* and arrived just in time* to show* the order of pardon*. Eventually*, A and B were living together in happiness*.

condemn:定罪、譴責。an execution:"execution" 意指處死刑、死刑(意同 "chief punishment")。"an execution" 也可以用 "a chief punishment" 來替代(另,中文的「死刑」意同「極刑」)。rescue:營救、援救。then:於是。execution ground:刑場。soon:很快地。execute:處死。the leading actress:女主角(相對於男主角,"the leading actor")。horseback:馬背。just in time:剛好及時。show:出示、展示。order of pardon:赦免令("pardon" 意指赦免)eventually:最終(意同 "finally"),也可以用 "finally" 來替代。happiness:幸福。


2012-12-10 02:22:24 補充:
因 "heroine" 也意指女英雄、女傑,為免混淆,所以沒有用上。
參考: 苗克阿肯
2012-12-10 7:23 am
A to be sentenced to capital punishment, some of his friends did not rescue, he was taken to the execution ground, A is about to be executed, the heroine's father horseback arrived in time to produce He-free order. Finally, A and B can finally fortunate happiness blessing to live together.

maybe not yes...
參考: google
2012-12-10 7:21 am
A要被處以極刑,他的一些好友也沒辦法營救,他被押到刑場,A快要被處決時,女主角的父親騎馬及時趕到,來出示赫免令。最後A 和B終於可以幸幸福福的一起生活下去。

A to be sentenced to capital punishment, some of his friends did not rescue, he was taken to the execution ground, A is about to be executed, the heroine's father horseback arrived in time to produce He-free order. Finally, A and B can finally fortunate happiness blessing to live together.

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