
2012-12-09 10:38 pm

judge the appropriateness of Hannibal’s investment strategy as stated by the CFO. Prepare two arguments that support your position

To judge the appropriateness of Hannibal’s investment strategy as stated by the CFO. Prepare two arguments that support your position

judging the appropriateness of Hannibal’s investment strategy as stated by the CFO. Prepare two arguments that support your position


回答 (4)

2012-12-09 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Judge the appropriateness of Hannibal’s investment strategy as stated by the CFO. Prepare two arguments that support your position - this is correct as both sentences, which tell us to do something.

2012-12-10 5:35 am
意見者:001 is right. I couldn’t agree more.

Main verb is missing.
“To judge”, “Judging”, “stated” ~ not the main verb of the sentence.
2012-12-10 2:11 am
To judge the appropriateness of Hannibal’s investment strategy as stated by the CFO.- not a sentence

judging the appropriateness of Hannibal’s investment strategy as stated by the CFO. - not a sentence
2012-12-09 11:09 pm
The second one is correct!!!!!!!
To judge the appropriateness of Hannibal’s investment strategy as stated by the CFO. Prepare two arguments that support your position.
Verb不能做句子的開頭嗎?(therefore , your 1st sentence is wrong)

以下全部都係動詞開頭的句子, 但因應個別情況的運用, 會令人有不同的感覺. 其實如果係日常對話中, 眼神, 語氣和身体語言都會影響聽者對説話的感覺. 在文字上, 如果要用verb做句子的開頭, 可以係用於以第一身, 跟讀者如交談般的文章.


Relax! Everything's fine. 放鬆D啦! 無事嘅. http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/relax (verb) 2. become calm

Believe in yourself, or you'll never succeed. http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/believe 3. to trust someone and be confident that they will be successful.

Try to look natural for your photograph. 拍照要盡量顯得自然一些。

http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?q=1&s=natural natural (adj) 3. 不做作的


Don't forget, I'll be home late tonight.. http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/forget 9. used to remind someone about an important fact or detail that they should consider

'Sorry I didn't phone.'唔好意思! 我忘記打電話俾你 'Forget it.'由得它吧 http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/forget 10. used to tell someone that something is not important and they do not need to worry about it.

Come over here and see what I've found. 過來吧! 看一看我找到甚麼

Be my guest!! 隨便啦!

Look! 你睇!

Give it to me please! 俾我啦, 唔該!


Hurry up! 趕快啦!

如果以上的情況運用得不當 (例如: 語氣過重, 身体語言差, 很易會令人誤會), 中性的普通對話都會被別人誤以為是命令式的説話. 所以要小心處理. 致於你朋友叫你不要用Verb做句子的開頭, 只是一個較保險的建議. 實際未必係絶對不適且使用.

反而, 我應為字義或者句子本身的意思更為重要. 例如, 褒義詞(commendatory term) 和貶義詞 (derogatory term) 當要運用起來, 總會令人有天淵之別的感覺. 有負面意思的用詞, 就算唔係動詞, 都難以令人聽得順耳.

那麼用to + verb or verb+ ing是否imperative mood呢?

這様的用法並不是imperative mood.


To have a better understanding of the situation, we should share opinions with other people. 為了更清楚了解情況, 我們應該跟其他人多分享意見.

To have a better monitoring of security, we need to have more CCTV installed in this building. 為加強大廈的保安, 我們需要加裝更多的閉路電視
參考: yahoo knowledge

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