
2012-12-10 4:55 am


回答 (3)

2012-12-10 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. through the dealer replacement serviceConsumers only with proof of purchase within one year of purchase and entire group of distributors of the product to the place of purchase (original purchase of stores, shops), to obtain the product warranty service2. through the toll-free customer service telephone consultationConsumer customer service can be obtained through telephone consultation services and technical support, or through the online customer service email for assistance.

2012-12-10 7:04 am
1. Replacement Services through Dealers
Within one year after consumers bought our products, consumers just need to bring the proof of purchase and the entire group of products to the original purchase dealer (original purchase stores, outlets) to get the product warranty service

2. Telephone Consultation through the Toll-free Customer Service Telephone
Consumers may get consulting services and technical support over the telephone, or through the online customer service mailbox.
參考: Myself
2012-12-10 5:28 am
A replacement through the dealer service
Consumers to buy just dealers held proof of purchase and the entire group of products to the original purchase (original purchase stores, outlets) within one year after, you can get the product warranty service
2 through the toll-free customer service telephone consultation
Consulting services and technical support; Service Commissioner, consumers can be obtained over the phone or through online customer service mailbox for assistance.
參考: Google

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