where can i buy some steel pipes in the UK?

2012-12-08 6:44 pm
I need some fairly long steel pipes, they need to be 233mm length of 15.88mm (5/8") x 1.5mm steel tubing. I have tried everywhere i cant seem to find the raw material anywhere let alone these dimensions!

回答 (2)

2012-12-08 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
at the steel pipe store,
參考: old timer
2012-12-09 6:02 am
5/8th" by 1.5mm? There is NO SUCH THING and it is NOT what you need. If one of the dimensions i in inches, NONE are in mm, and vice versa. Take PICTURES of whatever you are doing to a plumbing supply store and they MAY be able to figure out what you actually need.

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