What makes diesel engines able to idle for long periods of time, but unleaded gasoline engines can't?

2012-12-08 3:10 am
Why is it that a diesel truck can sit with its engine idling for extended periods of time but an unleaded gasoline engine can have problems from idling too long?

I'm just curious what makes diesel engines capable of idling for that long with no problems.

回答 (3)

2012-12-08 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
They can both idle for long periods of time but a diesel truck has a very large radiator.
2012-12-08 11:20 am
I don't know who told you this, the gas engines can sit and idle just as well as the diesels. The only difference is that for a gas engine to idle smoothly it needs a richer fuel mix so it isn't economical. The diesel uses less fuel the slower it runs so it can sit and idle fairly economically. When we worked up North the gas trucks would start the first cold day and run until we shipped out, most of them had large saddle tanks. We would shut them off to change oil every 200 hours or so.
2012-12-08 11:25 am
Gas engines idle just fine.

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