寫聖誕卡(20 point)

2012-12-07 4:49 am
我唔想淨係得"Merry Christmas"一句,可唔可以加一D句子,令佢感受到我愛佢,不過唔好肉麻,唔該大家!!!(IN ENGLISH)D英文唔好太難,一般中學生睇得明就得啦!!!

回答 (7)

2012-12-07 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
●●●︰ Merry Christmas! If you are a Christmas tree, I must be your star. Merry Christmas!●●●
參考資料︰自己[hope I can help you(希望幫到你),其他回答者請勿抄襲,其他回答者請勿參考或「抄考」,發問者請勿移除問題,其他網友請勿檢舉本答案]
2012-12-18 12:27 am
Merry Christmas!
Good to be with you with Christmas!
Thank you for your love!
Hope you can be my star in my heart forever!
參考: myself
2012-12-07 6:53 am
hallo ~ my lovely girl friend . Do you know who am i ? haha ~Iam your boyfriend:)
Oh! today is Christmas ~ let us celebrate together ><
the weather is getting cold now ~ don't get ill ~ ! Although i am not the most clever i am not the most handsome. But i am the warmest of all :)
OKK anyaway ...
wish you can have a happy Christmas that is stay with me ^^
參考: meme:)
2012-12-07 5:30 am
My love,
Merry Christmas! This Christmas, I want to stay with you and go to a
trip with a White Christmas. May I stay with you forever?
(your name)
參考: me
2012-12-07 5:13 am
-----Writing Christmas cards with correct grammar20-------
(1)May peace be my girlfriend's Gift at Christmas and your Blessings all year through!
(2)May the peace of Christmas fill your sweet heart with joy all year!
(3)May you enjoy all the lovely gifts of Christmas!
(4)May all your Charming Christmas wishes come true when I stay with you!
(5)Wishing you sweetheart a bright and happy holiday season!
2012-12-07 5:08 am
Merry Christmas~ Since I met you, my heart has been yours. I don't know why I am feeling sweet in heart, but I'm sure it must a matter of you. Owing to you, the winter was nothing and I feel warm.
your boyfriend
2012-12-07 5:00 am
Merry Christmas!!!Although it is Christmas now, but i still feel warm when I stay with you.

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