
2012-12-06 8:58 am

The meaning of three bodies: The Crypt: (underground) which is the old church of the Roman catacombs, the chapel, the church militant and the top of the dome, the church triumphant, the glory of God.
The building consists of a small circular Cella surrounding the hole opened in the rock where Christian tradition places the crucifixion of the first pope. Cella is formed by 16 Doric columns perípteras order, argue that the entablature frieze has triglyphs and metopes, and is crowned by a balustrade.
The cylinder takes over the balustrade of a drum with open windows or blinded with shells of gallons, and ends in an area with a hemispherical dome and cross.

The building dimensions to human scale, providing a living space and paths that lead to the move and embrace the temple, thus achieving harmony and proportion.
Articulation of the wall: There is rhythmically, from four gates at the ends of the axis perpendicular (cardo and Decumano). Each piece of wall between the doors are organized via a vain (central window flanked by two niches).
Bramante part of a module that is not a measure, but a form (cylinder) all the elements that make up the building are cylinders.
The vertical axis dominates the composition and character of the building is scheduled to be seen from outside. The two concentric structures (porch and cylinder) are two different perspectives. The perspective is the main level of the external columns, and emphasizes the separation between the two levels, giving the colonnade to the smaller scale, human-related measures.
The level retranqueado the wall projecting the columns with pilasters, unreal structure (shown), where doors, windows and took the narrow niches intercolumnios overlapping and also interfere with pilasters. Also behind the drum of the balustrade is constrained and simplified in the "attics" of ancient memorials.
This disproportionate effect of the scale is increased with the nature of distant prosp

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2012-12-06 10:00 pm
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該建築由內殿周圍的一個小的圓形的孔開在基督教傳統中的岩石在十字架上的第一任教皇。 CELLA形成16多立克柱perípteras的順序,認為,台口楣triglyphs,和排檔間飾,並加冕欄杆的。

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