What to include in paper on uneployment?

2012-12-05 3:34 am
I'm doing a 10 page paper on unemployment since Barack Obama has been president and I'm not sure what to include in the body of the paper. If you have websites please put them down & opinions aren't necessary. Thanks.

It's all factual things. I was planning to incorprate how jobs are given to the Chinese, high taxes on businesses, and fewer job openings from the govt. sector lacking growth in the economy.

回答 (6)

2012-12-05 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Are you writing an opinion piece or something factual?

Unemployment has been steadily decreasing since early 2009 (Obama became President in January 2009). It's probably not so much anything he's done.

The concept of buying American made products to promote the American economy and choke the life out of Chinese factories is slowly becoming more popular. Companies who don't want to bring their jobs back to the USA from China need to be shown the error of their ways.
2016-10-11 7:26 pm
not all theists are Christians. i'm a theist and that i'm not a Christian. inspite of the undeniable fact that, i'm also from an higher classification eu relatives so we do not use bathroom paper. We use a bidet. Now bypass wash your butt and in case you want to apply an angel, delicate or not, to achieve this, i do not care one bit. i'm particularly particular if the angel did, it might want to end you, properly?
2012-12-05 6:43 am
what's the purpose of talking about only unemployment since Pres. Obama has been in office?
It would be better if you just wrote about unemployment today, and in general.

I don't know why you'd be saying "jobs are given to the Chinese" when in fact branch offices of our companies have moved overseas to several countries because of the high corporate taxes the US has. And because if we didn't send jobs overseas where things could be produced cheaper, well the USA can't afford itself, can't afford to buy its own goods because the price is too high.

I'm not sure what you mean by fewer job openings FROM THE GOVERNMENT SECTOR since the government is where a lot of jobs are these days. It's not up to the government nor the president to provide jobs. It IS up to our President to bring in companies/corporations from other countries to open up here in the US. (so see, it's a give and take, our companies go there and there companies come here).

Since the 2008 mortgage foreclosure fiasco occurred (look it up and you'll see that many countries were included in this problematic situation) these countries like the USA are in economic trouble so they can't send as many jobs here just as we can't send jobs there, and "that" is why growth isn't occurring.

Why not take your paper in the direction of how people are going to find work, what jobs are they going to do, what part technology is playing, how full time jobs have changed to temporary jobs, how the incomes probably will be lesser than in the past, how difficult it is for people who have been out of work from 1-5 years it will be to get back in the workworld, and how some jobs they had will never come back and how they have to retrain, etc.
2012-12-05 3:36 am
Are you to lazy to do your own research?
2012-12-05 3:44 am
The truth would help. Real unemployment is about 10-12% not 8%.

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