
2012-12-04 3:11 am
Consent was given for work to start on 15 building projects that, when completed, will provide 19,995 square metres of gross floor area for domestic use.

15 building projects 落成是將來的事,為甚麼用過去式 completed ?
改為 have completed 或 complete 可以嗎?

回答 (4)

2012-12-04 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案

Consent was given for work to start on 15 building projects that, when it is completed, will provide 19,995 square metres of gross floor area for domestic use.



Unless 、 until 、 if 、 although 、 when 、 whenever 、 while 、 once 等 連 接 詞 , 都 可 接 形 容 詞 ( adjective ) 或 specified 之 類 過 去 分 詞 ( past participle , 即 完 成 式 動 詞 ) , 而 把 「 主 詞 +be ( 包 括 其 變 體 is 、 was 等 ) 」 略 去 , 例 如 : ( 1 ) Unless (it is) strictly necessary, I won't go ( 除 必 絕 對 必 要 , 否 則 我 不 會 去 ) 。 ( 2 ) A friend is never known until (he is) needed ( 患 難 始 見 交 情 ) 。 ( 3 ) If (you are) made redundant, what will you do? ( 假 如 你 被 辭 退 , 會 怎 麼 辦 ? ) ( 4 ) Although (he was) attacked by his colbagues, he did not say anything to defend himself ( 他 雖 然 被 同 事 攻 擊 , 卻 不 說 一 句 話 自 辯 ) 。

2012-12-05 12:46 am
I agree to Jenkin's amendment to hahatse's explanation.
2012-12-04 10:18 pm

Consent was given for work to start on 15 building projects that, when they are completed, will provide 19,995 square metres of gross floor area for domestic use.

note:因為這個completed的past partciple被動式的省略寫法是指那15個 building projects(眾數)...因此是they are,...will provide都是對這個主體而配的動詞子句。
2012-12-04 3:42 am
If the present participle ending in -ing, then the past participle ending in --ed.
The sentence means:-When the completed (past participle) work.....(on 15buildings).

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