
2012-12-04 2:24 am

回答 (2)

2012-12-04 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我而家係英國做緊野, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 我想問下如果我係英國有相熟既人可以請我去工作,但如果係女性既話,成功申請既機會大唔大?

>> depends 你申請既係咩工, 一般黎講, 去英國做野, 要申請既係tier 2 visa, 而申請既方法係你要先有人請, 而請你果間公司係肯幫你整visa 既. 同你係唔係女仔係冇關係 (我自己都係女仔, 都一樣整到), 但係大前題係請你果間公司係唔係已經同領事館果邊申報. 因為英國一年所批出既visa 只有1萬5千個 (未來可以會再轉), 而果間公司要同領事館果邊申報, 証明你果個工作既職位係唔可以由local 人取代, 先可以有資格幫佢既僱員申請 (ie. sponsorship)

>> 所以只有大公司或比較technical 既公司, 先會可以幫到員工整visa, 而一d 小店要去整visa 係難的 (我唔知道你相熟既人係做咩行業, 但好多好似take away 店果d 既話, 成功申請到visa 既機會係好低的).

>> 而整visa 亦要睇好幾樣野, 所要既文件包括你既銀行acc 入面夠唔夠錢, 要有一張certificate of sponsorhip, 係公司幫你整既, 而就係整呢樣sponsorship 係比較煩, 就係要同領事館果邊申報了.當然仲要有公司信, application form, 先可以整到. 同你係唔係女仔係冇關係的.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk生活exp =]
2012-12-04 7:32 am

Working in the UK

This section describes the immigration categories for non-European migrants who want to work in the UK. Each category has different requirements, so you should read the requirements for your chosen category before you apply for a visa.

If you are a UK employer and you want to employ migrant workers, the Business and sponsors section contains more information.

Most of our work-based categories are part of the UK's points-based system for immigration.

If you want to visit the UK for a short time as a businessperson, sportsperson or entertainer, you may be able to come here as a visitor. The Visiting the UK section contains more information.

If you are a national of a country in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, the European nationals section explains your right to live and work in the UK.

High-value migrants
Investors, entrepreneurs and exceptionally talented people can apply to enter or stay in the UK without needing a job offer - but you will need to pass a points-based assessment.

Skilled workers
If you have been offered a skilled job in the UK and your prospective employer is willing to sponsor you, you can apply to come or remain here to do that job.

Temporary workers
If an employer in the UK is willing to sponsor you, or if you are a national of a country that participates in the youth mobility scheme, you may be eligible to come and work in the UK for a short period.

Other categories
You can also apply to work in the UK as a domestic worker; as the sole representative of an overseas firm; or as a representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:11:27
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