
2012-12-03 5:44 pm

謝謝大家的熱烈回應,都好棒! ^_^

回答 (9)

2012-12-03 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案

If you're crazy about me, I'll reward you with all my heart.

中文原句有個「便」字, 顯示這是個可能發生的條件句, 故以直說語氣表達, 不宜使用假設語氣. .

2012-12-03 10:48:00 補充:
本句英譯時措詞要特別謹慎, 一不小心會把自己變成一個濫情的人.

2012-12-04 08:47:24 補充:
You must be the one stole his engine. (X) <--- TwEnglish
You must be the one that stole his engine. (O)

2012-12-04 15:32:44 補充:
This chick often calls others' writings TwEnglish.
She deserves being pointed out her own.

2012-12-06 11:55:59 補充:
句子語意可以天馬行空自由發揮, 但創作可以, 翻譯不行.
參考: 羅莉 - 翻譯經驗
2012-12-05 9:27 pm
You make me crazy, my heart belongs to you
2012-12-04 7:38 pm
uh oh watch out for Lolita....the grammar police...lol

2012-12-04 16:40:27 補充:
羅莉美女有時還蠻幽默ㄉ^ - ^
No need to hold a grudge on a 19 yr old la...

2012-12-05 13:22:09 補充:
brown noser? Hardly, the last time I checked my nose was still black!

See little one, you need to be cool and suave like me so nothing can trouble you anymore.

2012-12-05 22:45:21 補充:
竟然都好棒為何不選最佳? = _ =

2012-12-06 13:09:23 補充:
Oh no, I am not getting involved again!!!

What I can do tho, is this:


#2, 3, 4, 跟6的文法都正確, 請從這4個選出最佳吧, 但不要交付投票不然此地又要雞犬不寧了 = - =

See, I wont take sides!
2012-12-03 10:27 pm
For ones crazy about me, my heart belongs to you.
2012-12-03 8:24 pm
My heart will belong you, if you're insane for me.
參考: 我
2012-12-03 7:50 pm

She who cries for me could then take my flesh;
he who falls for me shall also win my heart.

Dudes, spirit is weak but my flesh is strong.
For today, I forgot to bring my soul along.

Boohoo, where art thou, my love!

You, now see real English...

2012-12-03 11:52:39 補充:
Melon dude - I am crazy about your Lambo. Can I take your engine now?

2012-12-04 00:25:44 補充:
I don't mind the flesh from Lambo either - it looks seeeeeeeexxxxxxyyy...

You must be the one stole his engine. You meanie.

2012-12-04 12:31:09 補充:
I found one too.

it looks seeeeeeeexxxxxxyyy... (X) <- wrong spelling.

You bad bad girl. No more cookies today.

2012-12-04 20:56:11 補充:
She deserves being pointed out her own. (X) <- TwEnglish.

She deserves more cookies. <- that is good English.

2012-12-04 21:08:25 補充:
Also, dirty panda needs to be renamed "brown noser" panda.

Lorita is no beauty - she, at least, must be a general commanding hundreds of voting troop with multiple phantom identities.
Or she could be a politician arguing "my missions justify any means".

Either way, short sighted!

2012-12-06 04:59:38 補充:
Dirty panda needs to check his nose every other second. Some pandas do have red noses just like Rudolph while some others changes at will.

I am cool as cucumbers, and the frozen ones. Being suave is so not me - I have class and I use Vidal Sassoon.

2012-12-06 05:18:28 補充:
I am no sweet talker and don't do malarkey. There are too many wrongs to right, grievances to redress, injustices to repair, abuses to remove, and duties to discharge.

Pandas, thou shalt not waver; thou shalt not hesitate;
fire up your little engine and charge.

2012-12-06 05:19:21 補充:
That is the mission of the son of Shifu... In addition to making good noodles, of course.

2012-12-06 11:35:13 補充:
竟然都好棒為何不選最佳? = _ =

Indeed, dude, the onus probandi is on you now...

2012-12-06 11:36:19 補充:
And don't make Kungfu Panda angry!!!

2012-12-06 21:40:43 補充:
句子語意可以天馬行空自由發揮, 但創作可以, 翻譯不行.

But who gets the original thoughts and what the author wants to tell?

Easy, mine, of course...

Fear not I might be wrong, fear the arrival of VOTING TROOPS...

2012-12-06 21:44:19 補充:
Charge! my little panda, dirty ones or clean ones, red nosed, brown nosed, and black;
Charge! thou big melon, broken one or slightly cracked.

Thou shalt defend what is right to thee and leave the left for the history to judge.

2012-12-06 21:48:50 補充:
The onus probandi is on all of you now!!!

2012-12-14 09:54:37 補充:
Panda is a chicken - a little one without the ability to tell right from wrong.
Picking the best answer is not taking side.

Same to melon...
2012-12-03 6:42 pm
為我瘋狂者,我心便屬於你My heart belongs to the one who is crazy for me.
2012-12-03 6:20 pm
---> Being crazy for me, my heart will belong to you.
參考: 自己
2012-12-03 5:59 pm

You get crazy about me, and my heart will be all yours.

2012-12-03 14:27:29 補充:
I didn't tell you,my Lambo only with the body but without the engine! It looks like a Lambo, but doesn't run like one. I am working on the engine! Are you still going to be with crazy about it?

2012-12-06 13:43:01 補充:
master Panda! you are playing a dangerous but fair game !

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