What do you think about theists labeling atheists as being "indoctrinated" into atheism?

2012-12-01 6:03 pm
Isn't the hypocrisy of such a statement obvious? I do not believe in deities, so I guess I am an atheist.
Does this instantly mean I'm stupid enough to be manipulated with?
If so, why do they (or you, dear theist members) even bother to point fingers? Explain "indoctrinated" (not what it means, but how it applies) to me please.

回答 (14)

2012-12-01 6:08 pm
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Yeah, I was indoctrinated into not being a stamp collector. !!!
2012-12-01 6:04 pm
It's just childish "fighting fire with fire" - they KNOW that only inculcation can get people to believe the religious nonsense.
2012-12-01 6:05 pm
I don't really care. They've become very fond of accusing us of the things they're guilty of. I blame FOX news.
2012-12-01 6:05 pm
It's pretty funny. I didn't even know another atheist when I figured it out. It's pretty hard to say that I was pushed.

We don't get together every week and reaffirm our beliefs to each other. We don't listen to people lecturing us and sing songs about it. They do....and that's the definition of indoctrination.
2012-12-01 6:05 pm
Religion is the result of indoctrination. Some of the more intelligent ones realise this and become free from their religious brainwashing.

Without this brainwashing we are born atheists and would remain atheists.

It is incredibly ignorant for religious people to not only deny their brainwashing but to claim atheists as being indoctrinated.
2012-12-01 6:05 pm
Those theists are morons.
參考: pagan polytheist
2012-12-01 6:04 pm
2012-12-01 6:05 pm
I think the arguing on both sides equal to stupidity. That is my honest opinion.
2012-12-01 6:06 pm
They act like it. If they never did this whole internet-atheism thing, I would still just be thinking that atheism just meant that someone lacked a belief in a god. After coming on YA, my view of them has changed completely. It's like an established religion.
2012-12-01 6:20 pm
Projection. Oh well.
2012-12-01 6:09 pm
It's all they know.

They think that every group needs to act that way.

Then they attack darwin or some other historical figure, not realizing that the individual doesn't matter at all, it's the idea and evidence that counts.
2012-12-01 6:09 pm
If by "indoctrinated" you mean "educated"....then yes. I have been indoctrinated into atheism.
2012-12-01 6:06 pm
What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

If you can't take it, don't hand it out.
2016-10-16 10:22 pm
i think of that's by the certainty "today" women are no longer quite today. So, sexual allure would not have a mandatory function in mating. as a count number of certainty, they could be relationship different women if sexual allure had an identical "weight" it has for gay women besides as gay and today adult adult males given the certainty "today"· women very own a gay perceptive bias with regards to sexual acceptance and view, for this reason, the female physique extra aesthetically friendly/sexier/extra basic on the attention/extra exciting/and so on. IMO, "today" women signify the worst of the worst while it contains romance (egocentric, gay leaning yet irrationally self defined as "heterosexual", hypocritical, emotionally distant, sexually detached) and we could desire to attain today adult adult males have been given the shortest end of the carry on with regards to sexual orientation.

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