Help from women understanding another girls behaviour! Please!!?

2012-11-30 6:33 pm
I really need women's opinions here and would like more than 10 answers. I can't figure this out.

I met a girl at my Church,we emailed,May to Oct. I initiated.She is a priviate person,introvert type, says she not a phone person,I understood. I tried to get her to hang out,she never said "no" just sometime later. Only once in person she said no,then apologized later by email. At the end of June I invited her to a movie..never went.I backed off. End of July,invited her to Wed. night services we have at Church,she came to 3 of them,gave me hugs. I asked her to hang out the last time, end of August,says she has a lot going on,not able to.I didn't email till end of Sept. just said Hi,God Bless, no questions,she wrote back more than I expected saying she is a teacher. Also in Sept. she started going to another Church. Now at the end of Oct. I told her I was interested in her.She says she has a boyfriend, (I don't believe her),we could keep in touch as friends.
Now here's what gets me, a few weeks later,on Nov.7 she shows up at Church. I havn't seen her on a Wed. since I invited her in the summer. She knows I might be there right? I was sitting at the back talking to an elderly lady,see her out of the corner of my eye,she came to the entrance, looked around and left,under a minute. I don't think she would be unconfortable, said we can keep in touch. Or if she came for another reason,wanted to see I was there? The timing was just odd,after I told her I was interested in her. Any ladies tell me how she may feel about me?
Thanks for any insight and Jesus loves ya.

回答 (5)

2012-11-30 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Seeing in how she was reacting you you wanting to hang out in the beginning, she might actually have a boyfriend. But, also seeing how she would randomly surprise you and talk to you more then you expected by shows she has some interest in you. And her spontaneous coming to the church after you told her you liked her does seem odd. I think she did come to see you, but changed her mind and realized it might not have been a good idea or something. Or she could have come for something else, and realized youd be there so she decided to leave.
參考: I am a girl with a boyfriend.
2013-11-14 3:46 am
go and tlk to her man liek isaid
2012-11-30 9:11 pm
Since you have been trying to see her outside of the church for 8 months and she has never accepted the possibility... it's not happening. She's not too shy to have gone to college, become a teacher, address many people on a daily basis and be able to function professionally.

What is the point of not believing her when she tells you she has a boyfriend? Why would you even WANT her to be the sort who would tell you that and then silently stalk you just to get a glimpse of your wonderfulness but be too shy to admit it? Why would you want her to be THAT person? You don't know her well yet you are filling in quite a lot of psychology and behavioral assumptions regarding the woman that would suggest she is not a healthy adult female.

We have no way of knowing how she feels about you. Not urgently interested though. That is clear.
2012-11-30 6:37 pm
Relationships is that way <--- you're in the marriage and divorce area --->
2012-11-30 6:36 pm
You're not even in the friend zone. She just has trouble telling you she's not interested. How many times do you need to be blown off by her?

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