
2012-12-01 12:58 am
本人今天聽了講座,要寫英文weekly note,卻被[講座]這個字卡著了,請大家幫幫手!!!謝謝!

回答 (3)

2012-12-01 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
講座英文= A talk
參考: me
2012-12-01 5:09 am
----The word is "seminar",noun,.It is a class at a college when a group of students and teachers discuss or study a topic. Hence teaching is by lectures and the seminars in the large seminar room.for meeting,for discussion, for training.
2012-12-01 2:42 am
本人今天聽了SEMINAR,要寫英文weekly note,卻被[SEMINAR]這個字卡著了,

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