Senior Citizens!, may I offer up this poem of mine, for your perusal?....I call it "Tomorrow"...?

2012-11-29 7:10 pm
"Tomorrow",is a word of hope...........The harbinger of peace. When dreams of joy, will come true,..........And wars and hate will cease!..........A simple word, but Oh!, what meaning,..........A promise of hope, and light..........Like a beacon, inthe future.........Shining on us, with golden night,!..........Take away this word, from Mankind,..........Take the Moon and Sun, as well!..........Make this life, as black as Pitch..........And our hopes, as dark as Hell..........."Tomorrow", is a word of life!..........A promise of Eternal love..........Take away, this simple word.............Kill!, you will, the gentle dove..........So when your world is dark and dreary:..........And your heart, is full of pain..........Lift your head, and say,"Tomorrow"! Then you hopes will live again................

回答 (20)

2012-11-30 12:33 am
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A lovely verse, Tom, Old Buddy, you have such a talent!
2012-11-29 9:41 pm
Very appropriate for these trying times - that the world is going through.

I will lift my head and hope for many more tomorrows.

Well done Thomas - my friend.
DeeJay - Yes - I like it a lot and I will never give up.
2012-11-29 9:12 pm
Very moving. Tomorrow . What is tomorrow going to bring. Good.
2012-11-29 7:23 pm
Quite lovely Thomas, very moving.
2012-11-30 9:03 am
Very nice. I like the part about wars and hate will cease. I am a student of the Bible and I agree with that and everything you wrote. Here are some scriptures:

Micah 4:3, 4 And he will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. 4 And they will actually sit,* each one* under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making [them] tremble; for the very mouth of Jehovah* of armies* has spoken [it].

Rev. 21:3, 4 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
2012-11-30 3:31 am
Well this one is much happier then the last one you posted. :) It is very uplifting. 'tomarrow, a promise of hope and light, like a beacon. I like that part especially. I hope you're kepeing all of those.
2012-11-29 7:45 pm
How lovely once again Thomas. I think it is a lovely poem fitting for Our Saviors birth season.This is the season of hope.
2015-09-26 3:13 pm
I have liked it too much.i took this poem to SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB,PANCHKULA AND READ IT AMONG THE 21 SENIOR CITIZENS ,WHO HAPPEN TO BE THERE FOR A MEETING WITH ME.IT WAS COMMENDED AND ENJOYED..The verse which reads "A promise of hope, and light..........Like a beacon" was appreciated.
Anyhow ,the senior citizens should be given respect all times, everywhere and at all places.They are like a banyan tree in the society.
2012-11-30 12:47 pm
Thank you, Thomas. I loved it. My hope is now, because of tomorrow.
2012-11-30 11:23 am
Great poem, except I just don't like the reference to hell. My religion I grew up with never mentioned hell, just heaven, also never mentioned a devil. I prefer to believe that hell and the devil were added to religion to scare people into being good, and it never worked anyway since the same bad things are still going on and have been for thousands of years.

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