請幫忙!! 出口文件問題, thanks

2012-11-29 8:04 pm

1. Commercial invoice in triplicate stating the name and address of manufacturers / processor of the goods, certifying origin of goods and contents to be true and correct of which original copy must be duly certified by the chamber of commerce in the exporter's country.

2. Certificate of origin in triplicate, original of which must be issued / certified by the chamber of commerce in the exporter's country, showing the name and address of manufacturers and stating the country of origin.

第二點應該是做一份C.O. 再在香港加簽, right? 但c.o. 不會一式三份的, 可以怎辦?
第一點是invoice 一式三份的, 但要加簽??


回答 (1)

2012-12-02 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
做一份C.O. 再在中國貿促會(如果是中國内地製造的貨物)加簽,印象中C/O是一式三份的。FORMA才是一是兩份。

第一點是invoice 一式三份的, 但要在中國貿促會加簽。
參考: 經驗

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