甚樣寫英文電郵呢 ??

2012-11-29 7:20 pm
我想寫一段簡短的電郵,內容如下,可否幫幫忙呢 ??

" 現在我附上宣傳海報稿件,煩請代為核核及確認,如有任何查詢可致電本人洽商,感謝閣下幫助。"


回答 (5)

2012-12-03 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear All,

I attach posters manuscript, please on behalf of the nucleation and confirmation, if any inquiries, please call my negotiating, thank you for your help. '

Thank you for help, thanks.

Best Regards.
2012-11-30 12:12 am

想揾Part Time, Full Time均可


2012-11-29 11:55 pm
Attached please find poster template for your information.
Kindly please confirm me after review.
Should you have any queries please feel free to let me know.

p.s. 我英文好水的....不知幫唔幫到你!
參考: me
2012-11-29 8:01 pm

"Please confirm the attached draft of the poster.
You are welcome to contact me anytime if there is any query.

Thanks & best regards!"
2012-11-29 8:00 pm
"Attached is the draft of the publicity poster, please help to verify and confirm. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries or concerns.

Thank you for your help."
參考: Hongkonger studying in Singapore

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