Where could I go to have a car stereo and speakers put in? Other than Best Buy?

2012-11-29 1:36 am
I'm getting a new car stereo and speakers for my birthday...but Best Buy wants to charge me around $180 just for installation and labor alone! I don't know anyone personally, nor am I right for the job. Is there anywhere I could go?
If it helps at all, I have a '98 Mazda 626, and the stereo I have now is the factory-brand.

*Extra question!! If I tried to DYI, would I need extra parts to put it in?

回答 (3)

2012-11-29 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ask at an auto supply store or check for auto electric shops in the Yellow pages.
This is a simple straight forward job. Just be sure that the new stereo is the same size as your old one as far as height & width goes. Speakers also the same size.
2012-11-29 9:44 am
Do a Goggle search for car stereo shops near you then call and ask for a price
2012-11-29 9:44 am

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