Why do JW's keep coming at your door when you tell them, no, several times?

2012-11-28 9:08 pm
Do they like being nags?

回答 (10)

2012-11-28 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They are like leftest they never give up
2012-11-28 9:09 pm
Hand them a copy of American Atheist magazine.
2012-11-28 9:09 pm
Just drop your trousers and wave you p@nis in their faces... that should stop them.

Make sure it's erect and hopefully they are there with their children so you can do it real close to one of their stupid kids. lol
參考: THUMBS UP Thanks guys!!
2012-11-28 9:13 pm
In the past I've asked JWs to stop visiting my house, and they have. Have you tried telling them to stop coming by?
2012-11-28 9:09 pm
They think they're trying to save you.
2012-11-28 9:11 pm
They just think you're playing "hard to get" -- and they're the real life version of "trolls".
2012-11-28 9:18 pm
tell them to stop coming by dont say no thank you. Say :"Dont come back. im really serious. don't." they wont come back..
參考: life?
2012-11-28 9:09 pm
no... they want u to join
Free mason.
2012-11-28 9:10 pm
wats JW??
2012-11-28 9:25 pm
All religions are the same. They brainwash their people into not taking no for an answer. They need to grow to obtain more power so why not keep trying?

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