問英文生字 (憑讀音)

2012-11-29 2:01 am
1. 拖雲
2. 花雲
3. 啡雲


二、順便一問,中文意思「從哪一行開始」,英文是否為「Which row starting from」(非正式句子的用法)或「Which row do you want to start from」(較為正式的)

回答 (3)

2012-12-05 10:43 am
1.拖雲==Torrent 名詞:急流,野溪,湍流;(喻為);爆發,連續不斷,迸發;
2.花雲==Frequent 形容詞:常去,常在;
3.啡雲==Fashion 名詞:樣子,方式;風尚,時髦,時樣,風氣
從哪一行開始==Which line will start to count first.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Transl ation” by Hongkong Oxford University Press1975
2012-11-29 12:18 pm
By guess:

1. Tolerance; read "tall la rens"; ,meaning 忍耐力

2. Foreign; read "fall ren", meaning 外國的

3. Variance; read "wear re uns"; meaning 變化

從哪一行開始= Starting from which row
2012-11-29 3:35 am
How can Chinese pronunciation makes the same sound of a word in English. Very few can guess correctly.
Translation from C/E formally:-
Which row (n) do you want to start from?

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