
2012-11-28 5:23 am
What is at issue is her school grades?


回答 (4)

2012-11-28 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If we replace the question mark with a period, then this sentence will be gramatically correct, and should be easier to understand as well. As a statement, rather then a question, this sentence has the same meaning as:
"Her school grades is the issue".她的學業成績是問題所在。 The implication is that she didn't get good grades in her school report card, and that is an issue to be dealt with..
參考: My past learning
2012-11-28 8:18 am
這句多來自口語的問句,全句可分兩部份,第一 What is at issue. 第二is her school grades?

What is at issue 解= 什麽在討論中。is her school grades? 解=是她的學業成績嗎?

如果單論文法,這句當然是錯啦,句子中間缺少了一個 Conjunction連接詞,我們只可當 "is her school grades" 是一句 Clause 子句看,而這子句稳藏了一個"comma" 逗號 或 Conjunction連接詞而矣!
參考: myself
2012-11-28 6:44 am
What is at issue is her school grades?=有问题的是学习成绩? ok? 如你不懂,可再問.
2012-11-28 5:44 am
At issue=argument issues
--------------controversy topic
--------------question on her subjects of exam.result
--------------=good grades on school subjects.
--------------means her grades.

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