
2012-11-27 8:59 pm
Kirsten Dunst is as beautiful and talented as ever and brings a quirky edge to this love story. In spider-Man3,we see Mary jane going on her own personal journey as she struggles to build a career on Boradway. Peter, meanwhile, has become so carried away by the fame and adulation which surrounds Spider-an that he fails to spot Mary Jane’s anguish as her Broadway dream dies. This drivers her into the arms of Peter’s long-time friend Harry Osborn, who is still bitter at the death of his father.

Throughout the dramatic battles that follow, we are always left hoping that Peter can save himself and that the two young lovebirds will be reunited. Do they get back together in the end? I won’t spoil if for you by telling you the outcome here.

But it’s not just the plot that will wow the audience. The special effects are incredible and, well worth every dollar spent on them Computer-generated imagery effects bring to life the evil Sandman and Venom as if they really do exist-Spider Man has to battle both these baddies to save the city from their wicked plans

A mature,unforgettable film that remains faithful to the original Spider-Man story.Just as exciting and gripping as the previous Spider-Man movies,Spider-Man 3 is well worth the price of a cinema ticket. I’m already eagerly anticipating the release of Spider-Man4,5and 6.

Spider-Man 3 stars Tobey Maguire,Kirsten Dunst and james Franco,and is directed by Sam Raimi. he film, which runs for 140 minutes and is Category IIA, will be the cinemas from Firday.

回答 (2)

2012-11-27 10:51 pm
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Kirsten Dunst一如以往地漂亮又聰明為這個愛情故事帶來一點詭趣氣氛。在蜘蛛俠3中,我們見到Mary Jane走上她個人的旅程在百老匯的事業上的掙扎,與此同時Peter迷失在作為蜘蛛俠的名聲和讚譽當中而完全沒有注意到Mary Jane的百老匯夢正幻滅中的苦痛。這情況使她投向Peter的老友Harry Osborn懷裏,而他仍為了他父親的離世而苦澀。 在隨後而來的戲劇性的戰鬥場面裏,我們常懷著希望Peter會救贖自己而使他們倆小無猜可以復合。他們最後有否再續前緣?我不會告訴你結局而打消你的興致。 但是,不單至是故事的橋段叫觀眾驚訝,特技效果亦不可思議;值回票價的電腦科技把邪惡的「沙魔」和「(蛇)毒魔」製作得栩栩如生 – 蜘蛛俠要跟這兩個死對頭開戰才能把那城市從他們的奸計中拯救出來。 這齣有深度使人難忘的電影忠於原著蜘蛛俠的故事。跟過往的蜘蛛俠電影一樣的刺激和扣人心絃。蜘蛛俠3果真配得電影院的票價。我很期待蜘蛛俠4,5和6的發行。

2012-11-27 15:07:10 補充:
蜘蛛俠3由Tobey Maguire,Kirsten Dunst和James Franco主演,Sam Raimi導演,他這電影,全長140分鍾,IIA級別,會在星期五上畫。
2016-11-17 1:02 pm

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