Complete sentence

2012-11-27 5:58 am
Complete the email with the words.

Dear Alice Thomas,
Thank you for your recent email ___ your holilday and filghts you took with our company. I an ___ you have experienced ___ service from us. If posible, I ___ appreciate if you could please ___ me the ___ of the flight you were booked on so ___ investigate the ___ you have ___ . Iwill then ___ to you immediately.
Yours sincerely

regarding, issues, can, forward, would, raised, reply , sorry, unacceptable, details

回答 (1)

2012-11-27 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Alice Thomas,
Thank you for your recent email (1)REGARDING your holiday and flights you took with our company.I am (2)SORRY you have experienced (3)UNACCEPTABLE service from us.If possible, I (4)WOULD appreciate if you could please (5)FORWARD me the (6)DETAILS of the flight you were bookes on so I (7)CAN investigate the (8)ISSUES you have (9)RAISED.I will theN (10)REPLY to you immediately.
Yours sincerely

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