簡單英文問題 (生字及翻譯)

2012-11-26 5:03 am
1. 英文單字:音近粵語「十升」,是哪個英文字?
2. 修正翻譯:我遺失了車匙,不知道在公司還是其他地方遺失,如有人撿到並送交你們部門(admin),請聯絡我,感激不盡。車匙為ford品牌。I lost my car key, I don't know whether I lost in company or somewhere; however please laise with me if anyone submit/taking the losing key (ford) to you or team members, many thanks.

回答 (2)

2012-11-26 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)sustain=support (verb)
(2)The translation C/E:-I lost my (car key). I don't know whether I lost it in Company or somewhere (else). If someone finds it(the Ford),please put it in your Administrative Department, who will contact or (liaison) with me.Many thanks.
2012-11-26 5:14 am

2,I lost my ignition key.I don't know whether I put it in my office or somewhere else.If someone find my key,please put it in your department,and contact me. Thank you so much!

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