
2012-11-25 6:30 pm
題目:There is talk of certain schools removing PE lessons from the curriculum so students can concentrate more on academic subjects. Write a letter to the Secretary of Education expressing your views on this proposal.

Dear Madam,

I am writing reference to the proposal that advocates the removal of Physical Education. It is obvious that PE lesson is a compulsory subject at primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, which shows the importance and necessity to student. I will provide strong evidence and several reasons to prove that cutting PE lessons will do more harm than good.

Someone may say that Physical Education is irrelevant to academic performance and it is useless for helping student to attend university. While I see their point, it is believed that PE lesson may not help student on that way directly. However, extra-curricular activity also has been a consideration on admission to university nowadays. Student would get extra points as they have good achievement on inter-school competitions. Hence, Physical Education can provide an opportunity to discover student’s interest and potential.

Removing PE lessons from the curriculums cannot help student more concentrate on learning. The proposal insists that student would focus on academic subjects as removes PE lessons, but this argument is invalid. There are no any reasons student would be good on study without PE lessons. Apart from the unreasonable sequitur, the PE lesson has been overstating. At secondary school, there are only 2 hours a week for this lesson. Is those 2 hours can make a change for student effectively? No one believes that it is work at all. Thus, there is a doubt on the influence from the proposal.

The most important is that the existence of PE lesson makes student more concentrated on study. Hundreds of thousands of students claim that large amount of homework and long learning time brings tremendous pressure.

回答 (3)

2012-11-26 11:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am writing with reference to the proposal that advocates the removal of Physical Education. It is obvious that PE lesson is a compulsory subject at primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong since the beginning, which shows the importance and necessity to students. I will provide strong evidence and several reasons to prove that cutting PE lessons will do more harm than good.

Someone may say that Physical Education is irrelevant to academic performance and it is useless in helping student to attend university. While I see their point in believing that PE lesson may not help student on academic credits directly; however, extra-curricular activity has always been a consideration on admission to university nowadays. Student would get extra points as they have good achievement on inter-school competitions. Hence, Physical Education can provide an opportunity to discover student’s non-academic interests and potentials.

Removing PE lessons from the curriculums cannot help student to concentrate more on learning. The proposal insists that student will focus on academic subjects after removiing PE lessons, but this argument is invalid. There is no correlation that student will be good in study without PE lessons. Apart from the unreasonable sequitur, the allocation of PE lessons has been overstating. At secondary school, there are only 2 hours in a week for this lesson. How will those 2 hours [] make a change for student effectively for all the academic subjects? No one believes that it works at all. Thus, there is great doubt on the influence from the proposal.

2012-11-26 15:34:42 補充:
The most important to realize is that the existence of PE lessons make student better concentrated on study. Hundreds of thousands of students claim that the large amount of homework and long learning time bring [homework + learning time = plural] tremendous pressure.

2012-11-26 15:35:37 補充:
...physical workout...
2012-11-26 12:53 am
2012-11-25 8:45 pm
it is the best!

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