Capricorn Mars/Pluto conjunction affecting you at present? Acts of God, Rockets, Explosions?

2012-11-25 5:09 am
A guest of a friend shot a hole through the roof on Thanksgiving with a gun that was ignorantly loaded. Are you having any anger and/or issues of control that are manifesting around you?

Please share if you will. Everything just seems to be so intense and scary even.

回答 (3)

2012-11-25 5:42 am
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No I haven't had that

Only thing different is at least two people's accounts on here got deleted today

and you know who plus you know who are in a terrible fight.

and people keep posting about porn today so that's kind of like acts of god and rocket explosions

Oh hey amethyst, the mars Pluto conjunction is also squaring Uranus.. And the mercury rx transit is unaspected in the chart, it's only aspect is sesquiqudrate Uranus!

Oh yeah I've got more to add.. Mars and Pluto transit are trine my moon.. But I know someone whose moon is conjunct the mars and Pluto transit.. I can't stand to be around him lately!! He's so effing annoying! Ever just try to stand to be around somebody but they can't stop reacting in anger to everything you say? Pure hell!
2012-11-25 5:44 am
OMG! Thats crazy!
2012-11-25 5:12 am
Wow. It isn't a good party until someone brings out the guns, is it?

Nothing at home, but there's been a strange, psychotic disturbance in the force online lately. There seems to be some boundary issues involved. I'm not seeing intense and scary as much as nutty and obsessive, but I do get your point.

*you can always tell when "certain" people log in. Suddenly I get all these TDs. Interesting, isn't it?

(Tis true...there's a porn thing going on around here for some reason.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:14:49
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