Passport 嘅問題

2012-11-25 4:02 am
我同時有加拿大同英國嘅護照 ,, 咁系LS 堂老師話系impossible , 咁點解老師話impossible 嘅? 咁我又得嘅?

我系一個mixed blood , half Vietnamese , 1/4 Canadian and 1/4 France
咁我系Canada 出世6 years old 黎Hong Kong,now I am 12 , why I don't have the ID card of Hong Kong ?



and why my passport have printed 歐洲聯盟 this one ??

回答 (2)

2012-11-25 11:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I don't know why your teacher said that.

But it is extremely possible and not uncommon.

Canada and the U.K. are both Commonwealth countries.

2. Very simple - you haven't live in Hong Kong for 7 years or more.

2012-11-27 16:59:51 補充:
To be honest, the word "European Union" has no special meaning.

Being a citizen of a EU member state make you enjoy freedom of movement among member states.

2012-11-27 17:00:55 補充:
The word "European Union" has only one meaning - to distinguish British Citizen and British nationals but not citizen.

The U.K is the only country that issue non-EU passport.
2012-11-26 6:18 am




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