Physics specific latent heat

2012-11-25 12:16 am
i dont know how th do this

Energy is supplied to melt some ice cubes at 0℃. The total mass of the ice cubes is 0.3kg. After all the ice has melt, the amount of energy supplied to the ice is found to be 107 000J. Using this data, calculate the spacific latent heat of fusion of ice.


回答 (2)

2012-11-25 4:07 am
107 000=0.3L
L=3.57 x 10^5
2012-11-25 12:56 am
Let L be the latent heat of fusion of ice.
Hence, 0.3L = 107000
i.e. L = 107000/0.3 J/kg = 3.57 x 10^5 J/kg

2012-11-25 13:27:11 補充:
A typo in the 1st sentence. It should read:
"Let L be the latnetn heat of fusion of ice."

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:50:00
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