Percentages Questions (F.1)

2012-11-24 10:11 pm
1. Yuki sold 2 flats P and Q. Given that the selling price of flat Q is $8400000.
(a) She sold flat Q at a profit percentage of 40%. Find the profit that she made.
(b) If the cost of flat P is 80% of that of flat Q, find the selling price of flat P such that she did not have profit of loss after selling the 2 flats.

2. Jack sold watches X and Y. The cost of watch X was 80% of that of watch Y. The cost of watch Y and the profit made from selling it were $6000 and $2400 respectively. If Jack made a profit of 20% from selling the watches, find the profit percentage of loss percentage of selling watch X.

Give the solutions of above 2 questions.

回答 (2)

2012-11-24 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1(a) Let the cost of Q is x

(840000 - x)/x = 40%

840000 - x = 0.4x

x = 600000

The profit is 240000

(b) cost of P = 480000

sell P need to lose 240000 such that she did not have profit of loss

So, the selling of P is 240000

2 cost of X is 4800

So, he earn (6000 + 4800) * 0.2 = 2160 from selling the watches

This means that he loses 2160 - 2400 = 240 from selling X

Loss percentage of selling watch X

= 240/4800

= 5%
2012-11-25 9:28 am
P==========Que 8610
Police Quantitative 8620
P==========Que 886
Policeman Que 853
Police Queen's Use 852
Policeman Force 851
參考: Policeman's Use 2013

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