
2012-11-24 1:23 pm
我現在是美國中學交流生,讀緊12班,但系我沒有完成香港的中學課程及考DSE,請問我可否用non-jupas 去申請香港大學or 國內的大學?

我仍然不明白,我如何用 non-jupas 報名 以及用什麽網站可以參考呢?

回答 (2)

2012-11-25 10:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is no.

Because based on how the exchange program designs, you are not supposed to graduate high school in the U.S.

In the case, you are in a limbo situation that both places (the U.S. and Hong Kong) will not recognize your incomplete education.

Here is what you can do:

1. Return to Hong Kong and finish the last year;

2. Try to get yourself admitted into a U.S. community college (if you will be 18 years old after the exchange);

3. Enroll in a high school program from a community college from the State of Washington;

4. Try to see if your high school can make exceptions (although they are not obligated to);

5. GED.

Without any of these options, basically you hold no eligibility for higher education.
2012-11-24 9:52 pm
In Hong Kong, you will be required to submit your high school transcript and SAT score if you want to apply for local universities through Non-JUPAS. In the United States, you will be required to submit your high school transcript and TOEFL score if you want to apply for community college.


非大學聯合招生辦法(簡稱非聯招、Non-JUPAS或Non-Ju)是香港的高等教育的一個專門術語(俗語),泛指利用大學聯合招生辦法(下稱聯招)以外的方式,報讀/入讀聯招下所提供的學位課程(以下稱為聯招課程)的程序(亦即大學的Direct Application)。


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