please help an aries woman in love with a leo man?

2012-11-23 4:51 pm
I really need some advice. I am a female aries sun and totally in love with a male leo sun. we met a few years ago and the attraction was instant from both of us, but we live on opposite sides of the country so had the odds against us. we met up a few times but nothing ever happened. about a year after meeting i went to his side of the world where he had met someone, which naturally was bound to happen. I chickened out and left it at that. but i haven't managed to get him out of my head in all that time. they broke up and he got hurt very badly. my brother recently sat me down and told me how much the guy liked me and that i should have done this, and i should have done that - and he is right. so i gathered my courage and contacted him about it. he is once again with someone, this time because she helped him get over the previous one. but he is claiming that he is not in love, never ever will be again and yet he has chosen to be with her. it seems our timing is always bad. anyway, we had a monumental row about it and now he is totally ignoring me. the thing is that she is a virgo. i don't expect him to dump her as I am totally convinced that it won't last anyhow. i would lose much respect for him if he did that anyway. but i am at a total loss as to what to do now. i simply refuse to give up, even though i am hurt and it would be the easiest thing to do. please give me advice?

回答 (2)

2012-11-25 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know if I can give you an advice on Leo men because I'm a Leo woman and I cannot stand Leo men and I have never been with a Leo man. I think your question goes beyond astrology. And Sun signs are not enough info to see if you are more compatible to him than his girlfriends. Usually, i think the 7th house, 5th house and 11th houses are important.

However, it's a known fact that Leos and Virgos form couples that last for a long period of time. For example me. I was with my Virgo boyfriend for over 5 years but I broke up with him. (Leos tend to break up with Virgos). But he is still the man of my life and I know for a fact that I will never find a man in this world that I will love as much as him and that will love me as deeply as he did. Anyways, that is just my 2 cents on this.

But it seems as if this man likes you, otherwise you wouldn't have stayed in his life for this long. What always works with men is to totally ignore them back and also erasing their numbers, emails, everything about them, as if they have never existed. finding new dates, having sexual relationships with a new guy etc At least "pretending" to move on. And then, when you are on your way "somewhere", perhaps with a new project in life, he will show up. And then the ball will be in your court. And if it is really meant to be, then everything will work out for it to happen. Otherwise, I will have to tell you to focus on something else. Don't let this man be your goal. If he really wants to be with you, he will look after you,

Anyways, best of lucks.
2016-02-24 1:34 pm
Well that leo sounds alot better than the leo's that i have been with in my life...To be honest every leo i have ever been with (which has been 4) was very stubborn,loud,careless of anyone else's feelings,attention freaks,unfaithful,and didn't like being told what to do at all...But hey not every guy is the same there are some people that don't act like their sign but much different and better...So don't judge him because he's a leo he might be different and from the way things sound it sounds like you have met your soulmate! And now the only thing lefted to do now is to enjoy every feeling of it and let the loooveeeeee FLOW! lol Live everyday to its fullest and go with the flow see what happens and where this love is gonna take you...

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