social inequality is a necessary evil of capitalist society?

2012-11-23 2:28 pm
i am writing an essay and i was hoping to get some points and arguments,thx

回答 (4)

2012-11-24 2:46 am
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Social inequality is a result of human nature. Some people are responsible, intelligent, trustworthy, and honest. Others are irresponsible, lazy, and dishonest. In a society of capitalism, the ones with good traits rise to the top, while those with bad traits fall to the bottom. Human nature and differences therein result in social inequality. Though some forms of social structure (communism, socialism) try to eliminate those differences, the Capitalist society allows people to be who they are and live accordingly. Alternatively, in a Communist society, people are considered as equal regardless of their human traits. Those societys result in shared misery (poor) living conditions as a result. Unless you allow the good to be rewarded, they will not be good.
2017-01-16 9:33 pm
Social Inequality Is Necessary
2012-11-23 3:36 pm
In today's world what other alternatives exist? Sadly, inequality is often an evil of capitalism, but it needn't be that way. Amish and Mennonite communities rely on what they sell but there are not large or marked inequalities.

By the way, for a very successful 500 year old Christian commune with no personal money, bank accounts, wills, etc., look at the Hutterites of Western Canada and the Western US, originally from Austria. They are the wests oldest communal society.

All of these are choices though. While choices exist to NOT buy into it rampant inequality, the same choice exists to buy into it, even if we make that choice passively.
2012-11-23 3:23 pm
If you have winners - you have to have losers.

You then get the rich to pay for the spongers, in theory.
The practice is rather different.

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