
2012-11-24 3:14 am
One set of these memories and feelings revolves around Jin-ho. Through his dreams, we learn that Seung-jin had hung herself. However, although he is in mourning, Jin-ho does not hesitate to express his feelings for Yoo-jin in an awkward moment where Yoo-jin is caught trying on her dead sister’s clothes. Jin-ho nearly forces himself on the startled Yoo-jin who flees the house and returns to her own home. Shortly thereafter, her friend is telling a Native American myth in exactly the same way that her sister used to tell it. She learns that her friend heard it from a man identified by his cyber ID of ‘Art Lover.’ Yoo-jin logs onto the chat room that she is told Art Lover frequents and introduces herself to him arranging a time and place for the two of them to meet so she can learn more about Seung-jin’s life. Art Lover plays coy with the information but their meeting is made more insteresting when police interrupt and attempt to arrest the mysterious man. The pair escape and hide in an abandoned warehouse in a run down part of town. The close quarters of their hiding place leads Yoo-jin in the following to days to fantasize about what could have happened instead of the reality where they parted ways.

回答 (3)

2012-11-24 7:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Translation is as follows:
這些記憶和感情圍繞著金豪。通過他的夢想,我們了解到,勝鎮。然而,儘管他是沉浸在悲痛中,金豪不猶豫柳金在一個尷尬的時刻,柳金被捉住, 試圖對她死去的姐姐的衣服表達自己的感情。金豪近強迫自己吃驚的柳金出逃的房子,回到她自己的家。此後不久,她的朋友告訴完全相同的方式在美國原住民的神話,她的妹妹告訴它。她得知她的朋友在晚上聽到從他的“藝術愛好者的網絡ID標識一個人。”柳金,她登錄到聊天室的藝術愛好者流連,被告知,並介紹自己給他安排的時間和地點為兩個他們滿足,讓她可以了解更多關於勝鎮的生活。藝術愛好者扮演忸怩作態的信息,但他們的會議是很有趣的多,當警察打斷,並試圖逮捕的神秘男子。對逃避和隱藏在一個廢棄的倉庫在運行下來的城市的一部分。他們的藏身之處導致的近距離柳金在以下天,幻想著什麼,而不是可能發生的現實,他們分道揚鑣。
2012-11-24 4:26 am
One set of these memories and feelings revolves around Jin-ho. Through his dreams, we learn that Seung-jin had hung herself. However, although he is in mourning, Jin-ho does not hesitate to express his feelings for Yoo-jin in an awkward moment where Yoo-jin is caught trying on her dead sister’s clothes. Jin-ho nearly forces himself on the startled Yoo-jin who flees the house and returns to her own home. Shortly thereafter, her friend is telling a Native American myth in exactly the same way that her sister used to tell it. She learns that her friend heard it from a man identified by his cyber ID of ‘Art Lover.’ Yoo-jin logs onto the chat room that she is told Art Lover frequents and introduces herself to him arranging a time and place for the two of them to meet so she can learn more about Seung-jin’s life. Art Lover plays coy with the information but their meeting is made more insteresting when police interrupt and attempt to arrest the mysterious man. The pair escape and hide in an abandoned warehouse in a run down part of town. The close quarters of their hiding place leads Yoo-jin in the following to days to fantasize about what could have happened instead of the reality where they parted ways.


Hope can help YOU !!! ^^

2012-11-23 20:28:01 補充:
參考: Google 翻譯
2012-11-24 3:26 am

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