同意庭外和解, 不追究任何責任. 突然又收到律師信.

2012-11-23 8:39 pm
我老公在10年11月駕車時與一架電單車相撞, 我老公便立即報警, 電單車司機在警局內的口公紙是寫我老公剎唔切車撞到佢, 而警察份口公紙是寫我老公剎得切車, 還留下2米剎車痕, 是電單車司機剎唔切車撞落我老公架車到.
兩人都同意庭外和解, 不追究任何責任.

昨天突然收到律師信, 電單車司機由10年11月撞車開始到車今日仍在不斷看醫生和放病假, 他搵律師要求我們分擔一半醫藥費.

請問他們之前已同意庭外和解, 不追究任何責任, 現在又出律師信俾我們,
但律師都知他們同意庭外和解, 不追究任何責任, 為何又出這信俾我們.

我們是否一定要分擔一半醫藥費. 有冇權不俾一半醫藥費.


回答 (2)

2012-11-24 2:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
To typical people, letters from a law office are scary.

But in fact, it serves almost no purpose.

1. What mentioned in the letter does not have to be the fact. Basically, such letter can be mentioning a "he says, she says" situation.

(Basically, these letters can be issued even there are no chances to win.)

2. These letters usually serves as a per-requite for formal lawsuit (as the court will want to see a demand has been made).

In your case, you are not liable for anything based on what you have mentioned. The best way to make this get away is to show the settlement agreement. With that, it is almost impossible for that law office to act further (as there is no way to win).

Also, police report will help as well (based on what you have mentioned, it does not seem your husband is at fault).
2012-11-23 10:43 pm

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