The question of part of speech

2012-11-23 6:07 pm
I want to ask what is the part of speech of this word :divorce in this sentence,'The author's main aim with this book, though,is to show the( dreadful )effects that divorce can have on children.'

回答 (4)

2012-11-23 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The parts of speech "divorce" in this sentence is a "noun" 名詞。

Basically, the word "divorce" can be either a noun or a verb. In this sentence "can have" is already a group of verb so that we can't add a single verb before "can have".
參考: myself
2012-11-23 8:30 pm
It is a noun.
參考: Wikipedia
2012-11-23 7:28 pm
It can be a verb too but divorce in this sentence is a noun.
2012-11-23 7:11 pm
Part of speech for "divorce" word here;
----that ended in divorce(=n)
----that divorce(=break-up) (n) can have on
----if "to be divorced"=to dissove a marriage is a verb,but not found here.

2012-11-23 11:24:23 補充:
can have(=it's possible that divorce(n) can have;)
The verb "can"is defective; neither infinitive,past participle, --ing forms, nor imperative
used to express what may be possible,generally capable of,eg(can have;)

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