I want to ask what is the part of speech of this word :divorce in this sentence,'The author's main aim with this book, though,is to show the( dreadful )effects that divorce can have on children.'
The parts of speech "divorce" in this sentence is a "noun" 名詞。
Basically, the word "divorce" can be either a noun or a verb. In this sentence "can have" is already a group of verb so that we can't add a single verb before "can have".
Part of speech for "divorce" word here;
----that ended in divorce(=n)
----that divorce(=break-up) (n) can have on
----if "to be divorced"=to dissove a marriage is a verb,but not found here.
2012-11-23 11:24:23 補充:
can have(=it's possible that divorce(n) can have;)
The verb "can"is defective; neither infinitive,past participle, --ing forms, nor imperative
used to express what may be possible,generally capable of,eg(can have;)