Doesn't anyone even care who murdered JFK?

2012-11-22 9:43 pm
who did it? do you know?

many more details have come out in the last two yrs. several from the freedom of information act. one being the Lee Harvey Oswalt was a member of the CIA. Another being there were shots from the fron of the car in addition to the back. Another clue. JFK was considering to drop LBJ from the ticket in 1964. Also JFK had already stated that US troops would be pulled out of Vietnam by 1966.If anyone wants to know the answers are able to be found. I'm just wondering is there anyone who really cares anymore?

回答 (11)

2012-11-22 9:59 pm
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Rogue elements of the Pentagon & CIA; they checked w/ J. Edgar Hoover who agreed to have the FBI hide the real assassins and set up Oswald as the patsy.

How very very extremely convenient to have Oswald murdered while IN.POLICE.CUSTODY!

THEN, his ALLEGED assassin Jack Ruby DIES.IN.PRISON!, also in the CUSTODY.OF.THE.STATE!

Add to all this Arlen Specter's criminal cover up w/ his TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE Single Bullet Theory;

AND the Zapruder film that showed JFK getting shot and the sound track recording sounds from at least two guns;

AND the House Select Committee on ASSASSINATIONS finding that JFK's assassination "was most likely the result of a conspiracy, and there were at least two assassins involved." [GOOGLE!]

This is the US GOVT declaring the Conspiracy Theory is the most likely explanation of JFK's assassination.

Get it?!


2012-11-22 9:45 pm
Yes, I do. The Mafia. His daddy asked them to steal the election for his son--which has been proven in Chicago--(How interesting.....) and then his brother went after the Mafia. Not a good idea.
2012-11-22 9:45 pm
He was actually shot by Chuy of La Puente. Chuy also knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.
2012-11-22 9:44 pm
Lee Harvey Oswald in collaboration with Marilyn Monroe....

Marilyn got jealous of Jacqueline...
2016-12-13 8:21 am
the top shot he suffered could nonetheless be not common to triumph over right this moment. Oswald could be a diverse tale, its obtainable he could have been saved utilising right this moment's technologies. that could have made the conspiracy concept plenty diverse had he lived.
2012-11-22 9:49 pm
they said some oswald dude did it. but the police did not have any evidence agaisnt him, so part of the human rights act, they had to let him go. but he himself got murderd himself by some one else. if only i could remeber thier name. and yes i do care about his murder, and i think im the only one in my school who cares......
參考: top of my head
2012-11-22 9:48 pm
Someone knows that's why they sealed the records.
2012-11-22 9:48 pm
I do. I feel sorry for Lee Harvey Oswald. After all, Jack Ruby shot him before he even got a fair trial. I think even murderers like Lee Harvey Oswald are entitled to a fair trial.
2012-11-22 9:47 pm
yes, yes people care.
No, no one knows for sure who did it because there is a lot of speculation of there being another shooter.
2012-11-22 9:46 pm
They have lied and hidden the truth for long enough!
2012-11-22 9:50 pm
The problems are the amount of time that has passed and the vast number of powerful individuals and groups President Kennedy and his father pissed off on his way to the White House.

No one can say with certainty who was responsible now. Not Hoffa. Not Castro. Not The Mob. Not J. Edgar Hoover. Not The Rothchilds. Not the tin foil hats.

He's still dead no matter who you finally pin the blame on. And nothing will change history.

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