The sentence is correct ?

2012-11-23 2:32 am
Which the sentence is correct ?

Exam was the end all

All the exam was the end

Thank you !!!!1

回答 (4)

2012-11-24 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Both are wrong.文法和句法和意思表達都錯。



Exam如果是指任何一種考試...可能成眾數exams會合理些,但如果是指某一次(前文已講的exam則要加article"the" exam表示那考試。

All the exam的exam就一定係exams.

the end是終結...你在電視劇或電影或小說或故事的尾會見THE END
但不會見the end all.可能你好意想說「全部完」可惜英文不用「全」寫出來的,「完」就是The end,不會有部份完少少完有些完...所以沒有全部完這回事的,那亦是近代文化/文學(或許太多連續劇或前後傳)的缺失或誤用詞意。

exam和the end兩樣是甚麼關係呢?你想表達甚麼呢?
看上段the end英文是終結/結束的意思...
你寫的是考試是(was)終結這名詞...即是exam = the end
考試己經結束了...The exam has/had ended.

2012-11-23 4:37 am
(1)Exam was the end all;
means Exam(was reaching) the end (of all events.);
the completion;
the finish;
the resolution;
a means to an end for people;
---for events.
(2)_All the exam was the end
means Exam was the end of life.
----was the end of destiny;
----was failure or passing for students.
2012-11-23 3:18 am
do u want to say this
'All the exam had reached a end'

if not, then sentence 2 is a better choice
參考: me
2012-11-23 3:05 am
maybe (2)啦

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