
2012-11-22 9:06 pm
如題,不要copy and paste 政府網站上的,實際要多少天?

回答 (1)

2012-11-23 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 如題,不要copy and paste 政府網站上的,實際要多少天?

>> 要depends 你個package 個size 有幾大既, 如果件野係係hk 出去英國既話, 時間應該唔耐, 有次屋企人係hk 寄海郵俾我, 約個半月會收到, 但係呢排係xmas, 應該會再耐一d, 預2個月就差唔多了, 但係英國佢係有個system 既, 所以有parcel (無論你係大定小, air 定平郵, 個parcel 都係先會俾post office 果邊扣住, 再contact 個收件者, 要佢親自去到parcel force (英國既一間parcel 領取公司), 俾左個清關費, 先可以拎到個parcel (係hk 做唔到, 一定要英國果個人俾), 所以加加埋埋, 件野去到收件人手上, 你要預2個~2個半月度啦.


2012-11-26 22:51:55 補充:
If you post it that way, he/she will have to go to post office in order to pay and collect. The only way you can skip this process is try to make your parcel as small as possible (ie. not to use those post boxes offered by post offices in HK or to use DHL)
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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