A Grammatical Problem

2012-11-22 6:51 pm
For in December 1982, a cement truck crashed down the slope and slammed onto the pavement, killing four people and injuring 13.

I read an article in a newspaper. I have some questions about the grammar of above sentence.

1. I want to ask that can both words 'killing' and 'injuring' change to 'killed' and 'injured', because the accidient happened in the past. What time uses past participle and what time uses present participle or gerund.

2. What is the meaning of 'for in'? May i change 'for in' to 'In December 1982' in the above sentence?

Thank you so much.

回答 (2)

2012-11-28 5:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) You cannot replace ‘killing' and 'injuring' with 'killed' and 'injured'’

Use of present participle:
I saw a policeman.
The policeman chased a thief. (active voice)

I saw a policeman chasing a thief.
(chasing ~ present participle; active participle)

An active participle after the main clause can express result.
They pumped waste into the river and killed all the fish.
They pumped waste into the river killing all the fish.
(killing ~ present participle; active participle)

Use of past participle:
I saw a thief.
The thief was chased by a policeman. (passive voice)

I saw a thief chased by a policeman.
(chased ~ past participle; passive participle)

They have not identified the body which was found in the river.
They have not identified the body found in the river.
(found ~ past participle; passive participle)

(2) 有一個 For 字, 這句子說明原因
For is a preposition. In this case “For” is used to show the reason or cause. For = 因為.
“in December 1982’ shows in what month of the year the accident happened.

If you delete the word “for”, your sentence simply states that the accident happened in December 1982.

2012-11-28 09:54:50 補充:
Other uses of participles:

You use present participle in continuous tense.
am,is,are/was, were/will be + verb-ing

You use past participle in perfect tense.
has/have/had/ will have + past participle

Besides, past participle is used in passive voice.
參考: Longman Advanced Grammar
2012-11-22 7:12 pm
(1)present participle used in the phrase part in the sentence.
---eg:-killing and injuring vs crashed and slammed.
(2)referred to by December 1982=refer (v)
=Referring (gerund) December 1982.is the original meaning for "for in".

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