Creationists: Here is the ULTIMATE yet SIMPLE proof that god does not exist?

2012-11-21 3:33 am
How can there be a god that allows a few people to own 7 houses while half the world is starving?

Wrath is a sin right? Didn't god act wrathfully when he blew up whole cities and flooded the planet? (not to mention countless other examples)

God seems like he needs attention, which no all knowing and all powerful god would care for.

God creates homosexuals and then bans homosexuality.

God says don't worship idols yet christians hang crosses in their homes.

How is god omnipotent and perfect but at the same time jealous?

Why would he create a home for humans that is 70% salt water?

Why does he make the old testament law and then ignore various parts of it?

Gods gives everyone unconditional love... With conditions.

Forbids the eating of pork and makes pork delicious.

He made us the way we are and then punishes us for it?

Decides to create the universe and then waits 14 billion years to tell some people in the desert what to do.

Not to mention he told us about the creation of the universe yet conveniently left out the first 10 billion years.

If you are born in a non-christian country then you are doomed.

According to christians, evolution is not real unless they prove it. Then it was all a part of the plan.

Thou shalt not kill... Crusades.

Holds a grudge for 4000 years because some kids ate an apple...

Gives humans impure thoughts and then forbids them from having them.

Creates man with foreskin and then commands him to cut it off.

Has absolutely no reason to even create universe in the first place.

Claims that Jews are his chosen people and then allows the Holocaust to happen.

Gives us free will and then limits it.

回答 (16)

2012-11-21 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
How is any of that proof that God doesn't exist? All that proves is that God is evil.

(which, if he does somehow exist, he is)
2012-11-21 3:35 am
You can't argue against religion with logic.
2012-11-21 3:37 am
You would think huh?

First I've heard of the creates men with foreskins then commands it be cut off. True. You'd think a "perfect god" would have just left off the foreskin if it was so bad. Especially since he supposedly created man in "his own image". So does god have a foreskin?

But it should be pointed out that all that really just disproves the biblical god. Just yet another man made god for a man made religion. It doesn't disprove the entire concept of a non-personal agnostic sort of a "god".
2012-11-21 3:39 am
If your proof was simple all you had to say was "there is no proof nor logic behind God." All the other stuff is just expanding upon thes two ideas.
2012-11-21 3:38 am
All logical and correct, but they don't listen to that, it's reason, they use FAITH, it means believing in something even though it's ******** because you are scared to go to Hell.
2012-11-21 3:39 am
Creationists are immune to logic and incapable of rational thought in that area.
2017-02-26 5:51 pm
How can there be a god that facilitates some human beings to possess 7 homes on a similar time as a million/2 the worldwide is starving? God did no longer do it Wrath is a sin proper? did no longer god act wrathfully while he blew up finished cities and flooded the planet? (to no longer point out countless different examples) No.that replaced into justice God sounds like he desires interest, which no all understanding and all useful god could look after. No God creates homosexuals and then bans homosexuality. No,he did no longer create them.what component of "no person is born gay" do you no longer comprehend? God says do no longer worship idols yet christians cling crosses of their homes. they do no longer worship the pass .fcking retard How is god all-powerful and suited yet on a similar time jealous? definite,he could be Why could he create a house for people that's 70% salt water? so ? Why does he make the previous testomony regulation and then forget approximately countless areas of it? No,Jewish regulations Gods provides all and sundry unconditional love... With circumstances. No Forbids the eating of pork and makes pork scrumptious. No,that replaced into jewish regulation He made us the way we are and then punishes us for it? -No makes a decision to create the universe and then waits 14 billion years to tell some human beings interior the desolate tract what to do. -No to no longer point out he informed us proper to the creation of the universe yet very truthfully ignored the 1st 10 billion years. -No,the earth isn't that previous in case you're born in a non-christian us of a then you definately are doomed. -No in accordance to christians, evolution isn't actual until eventually they teach it. Then it replaced into all component of the plan. Thou shalt no longer kill... Crusades. those weren't Christians Holds a grudge for 4000 years because of the fact some young infants ate an apple... -No,he in simple terms did what a common ascertain could do provides people impure techniques and then forbids them from having them. -NO,the devil does Creates guy with foreskin and then instructions him to cut back it off. So,? Has honestly no reason to even create universe interior the 1st place. definite,he did Claims that Jews are his chosen human beings and then permits the Holocaust to ensue. So GOD killed the jews ?
2012-11-21 2:06 pm
It is logically impossible to prove a negative. You are resorting to rationalizations, and not evidence. You are incorporating a number of logical fallacies, and other methods that are commonly employed in deceptions and untruths.

Your statements demonstrate a gross lack of understanding when it comes to the Bible. Your like a person who sees a car for the first time in your life, and concludes, based on that scant information, that it would be impossible for the car to work.

2012-11-21 4:14 am
Hi Nate,
It's easy to see you've put a lot of thought into your questions. I'll try to offer some thoughts that will give you some things to consider without answering each and every question. First, don't juge God by the actions of humans or religions. Idol worship and killing in the name of God does not mean God approved of what they did.

Secondly, man's condition is the result of his sin and rebellion against God. God created a perfect man and woman with everything they would need to enjoy eternal life. If they passed a test of obedience first. Once God bestowed eternal life, it could not be taken away. So,they had to pass a probationary period for lack of a better illustration. Because the first man and woman were perfect, the test put on them by God was not a hardship. They chose to try and live independant of God's authority. What you see in the world is man continuing to try to govern themselves. With total failure the result.

We cannot comprehend the countless millenium experienced by God. That's the result of our limited mental capacity. God has no such limits.

God did not create homosexuality, or disease, or any other negative condition. Again, they are the result of man's rejection of God's ways. How did the Israelites know about quarantining people during disease or after touching something dead. They were given these laws 1,000's of years before Scientists knew of the importance of those things. Proof of an intelligence great than ours. God did not make us the way we are now. What we see today is the proof that man is continuing to deteriorate rather than evolve higher. Why is that? The reality of man's condition supports the Bible narative rather than the theory of Evolution.

The law about getting circumcision makes good sense. When the Israelites were left to wander the desert, they didn't have easy access to water for cleaning. This made the uncircumsized more vulnerable to disiease. Later, it served to show a separation from the nations around them.

Nowhere in the bible does it say that God's love is absolutely unconditional. If a parent loves their child with all their heart, but that child commits some dispicable act like murdering several people, the parent may still have feelings of love for their child, but not enough to excuse them or say they do not deserve punishment. The parent would be devastated but would approve of severe punishment. It's no different with God.

Finally, you began this discussion by trying to make a simple point. So I would like to conclude by giving you the simplest of challenges; Explain how all life began. Not on the back of some meteor, because any living organism would still have had to begin somewhere. Not planted here by some alien, because any alien lifeform would also still have had to begin somewhere. HOW did all life, all motion, all energy begin? Laws of Science like the law of inertia and the law of Bio-genesis make the spontaneous start of life impossible. The only logical explanation is an eternal, immortal life, God.
2012-11-21 3:59 am
First some of these have nothing to do with God. The Crusades was done by people not by God, and God did not tell them to do it. Christians do not worship crosses, they are just symbols.
At lot of bad thing you see, murders, disasters, poor people starving only happen after man sinned, these things were not supposed to happen when God first mad the world. And God never created sins, impure thoughts or homosexuality.

We cannot tell why the world is 70% salt water because before sin and Noah's ark it might be this way.

As for those people that are from the Middle East, they DO have chances of hearing the Gospel, I know many missionaries that do that. For those people who never heard of the Gospel, we cannot decide where they will be when they die, only God knows. This means that they are not necessarily going hell. ( just like babies, or children who died are going to Heaven, and there are Bible verses that proof this.)

As for eating the apple, it is because of Adam and Eve's disobedience and pride. They think they can be Godlike after eating the apple. But the important thing is that, God never gave up on us. Jesus died for us on the cross and he gave us a chance to be with him again, so he did not hold a grudge for 4000 years.

Last but not least, God does not want attention. What God want is a relationship with us. Just like you will want to talk to your children and have a good relationship with them.

You asked many good questions, I suggest you talk to your Christians friends if you found the existence of God very strange.

Good luck.
2012-11-21 3:50 am
Some of this is not very cogent. For instance, wrath is said to be a sin *for humans*. There is no reason to assume a deity should be subject to the same moral standards.

God could simply feel that us putting our attention on him is best for us, and thus want us to do so out of love.

God (supposedly) created heterosexuals, but bans sex outside of marriage. Banning homosexual activity is not much different.

The fact that Christians do things that are contrary to their own claims says nothing about any supposed God.

I'm an atheist, but a lot of this is poorly reasoned.
2012-11-21 3:43 am
Um, yeah. Which atheist website did you copy and paste this from?

Most of this stuff has nothing to do with creation, so I'm assuming that you're so confused that you can't tell the difference between a creationist (which could be a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim, a Mormon, or several other beliefs), and a Christian.

Regardless, the basic theme here is the Problem of Evil, an objection that was first raised by the Greek philosopher Epicurus, an objection that fails miserably because it assumes that God is obligated to prevent suffering, and fails to acknowledge that suffering can result in a great good.

So, try again.
2012-11-21 3:44 am
This is all bullshit. God is not fair and he will do what needs to be done. Sins of the father- we pay for what our ancestors did. Humans are not perfect and we need to be taught a lesson at times. The devil is second power to god which means he is almost as powerful and can answer prayers just like God can. That is why we always say "In god's name i pray"There is sin and there is evil in the world. What you want is not always what you need and God gives you what you need to fulfill your purpose in life (no matter how small.) God created the world how he wanted it to be and that is just that. If science is so amazing then why can't we adapt so we can drink salt water? Nobody said anything about pork (thats just the adventist and a few smaller groups) Jews have to suffer because they are God's people and if you think about it Jesus was born a poor jew which means he was the lowest of the low but also the highest of the high. God is the beginning and end of all things. Life isn;t fair and the world is not equal- this Adam and Eve...they disobeyed God's order and let the devil into their lives so he punished them for it but it was too late becasue the devil was already there.
Do you have any other proof you want to share?
2012-11-21 3:42 am
So you don't wish to live in paradise forever, Just say so, wish granted.
2012-11-21 3:38 am
Sounds to me that you, like so many Christians, want to say 'God did it'.
God gave people this, God did that....huh?

Where did you get this?

Where did you read in the bible about free will? I didn't find it myself there.

I surely don't see this anywhere, do you?

We seem, maybe, to have limited free will...maybe. I'm not even sure of that.

I just know that the Lord led me, leads me, and is good.
So, we differ.
2012-11-21 3:35 am

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