
2012-11-20 6:15 am

Dear Jenny

Thanks for your e-mail. In response to your comments made on the prototype, I would like to give the following advice on the modifications to the prototype.

With regard to the colour selection, it is advisable to use forest green, because forest colors it is give a fresh and harmonious feeling. More colors compared with forest green, which is not too eye-catching. In addition, forest green gives a sense of environmental protection.

As for the choice of print effect for the bag, I would suggest using direct-to-garment print instead of heart transfer foil print, since it creates a cracked effect for the print. However, direct-to-garment print incurs a 10% to 20%.

Regarding the material chosen of the bag, I would recommend two options for the bag. The former is organic canvas because which is wrinkle resistant than linen but only 70% biodegradable. The latter is viscose from bamboo and hemp, which is more wrinkle resistant and absolutely biodegradable, which is totally in line with the eco-friendly ethos. Viscose from bamboo and hemp is 20% more expensive than organic linen and canvas. You may choose either of them.

Concerning line and patterns of the bag, I would like to give two options. The first one is add the lines as stripes as zigzag, which to give an energetic feeling. The second option is add the pattern of the zigzag inside of the heart, which is gives a cute and vivacious feeling. The pattern is obviously match the styles of the image girls. You may choose either of them.

I hope this information will help you to make decisions on your order. If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Jackie Lee
Product Design Coordinator
DsignDigital Fashion Co Ltd

回答 (2)

2012-11-20 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Thank you [公司文件少用普通朋友之間的用詞] for your e-mail. In response to your comments made about [on本身冇錯的,只是用about是連繫對方comment這主題] the prototype, I would like to give the following advice(?)[唔肯定你應否用advice/advise這詞-通常在專業領域上提出指導性的要求或意見才叫advice,你的內容似suggestions多一點,大部份都是主觀或兩者比對的選擇,而不是必然性或由你決定的話會作出的advice。] on the modifications []. [後面不用了,因為前面己經指出是關於prototype的意見]

With regard to the colour selection, it is better [同上見解] to use forest green, because forest colors it [] gives a fresh and harmonious feeling. More colors compared with forest green, which is not too eye-catching [這句唔明有乜意思: 你好像想講如果用多種顏色而不是單一森林綠色便會太搶眼?=Multiple colours is too eye-catching as compares with forest green. 但這跟你建意的用意上意義不大-可能客戶就是想eye-catching而不只是以「綠色」,所以這點反而應該放到這段結束]. In addition, [先把這句接harmonious feeling…]forest green gives a sense of environmental protection.

As for the choice of print effect for the bag, I would suggest using direct-to-garment print instead of heart [?雖然我不是這行業,這字是否heat,可能你的圖案真有一個heart型的要print?] transfer foil print, since it creates a cracked effect on the print. However, direct-to-garment print incurs a 10% to 20% more in cost.

Regarding the material chosen for the bag, I would recommend two options [] [如上解-如前句已講的主題便不用重覆那詞或東西了]. The first [former只是如果你已經在前文講了兩樣東西的「先講的第一件東西」的代名詞-你還未有那件東西!] is organic canvas because it [唔解釋which點用了-太小學啦] is more wrinkle resistant than [你要寫成comparative比較就要用比較詞-小學級呢] linen but only 70% biodegradable. The second [解同上] is viscose from bamboo and hemp, which is [] [你跟甚麼比較more winkle resistant呢?內容並沒有比較的必要] wrinkle resistant and absolutely biodegradable. This is (英文不會一列的which is, which is, that is,…地寫下去的,組織句子要有層次和內容要有直接關係意義才用which/that is的連接作為解釋前句] totally in line with the eco-friendly ethos. Viscose from bamboo and hemp is 20% more expensive than organic linen and canvas. You may choose either of them.

2012-11-20 13:47:44 補充:
The first one is (adding)...second one is (adding)..., which [] gives...

2012-11-20 13:48:52 補充:
I hope this information will help you to make the decision [不用s, 一個綜合的決定吧]

2012-11-20 13:50:13 補充:
2012-11-20 2:09 pm
Thank youfor your email. In response to your comments about the prototype, I would suggest some modifications.

In regardto the color selection, it is advisable to use forest green. Forest color gives a fresh and harmonious feeling. Other colors might not be tooeye-catching when compared to forest green. In addition, green is alwaysan environmentally friendly color.

As for the print effect on the bag, Iwould suggest using direct-to-garment print instead of heart transfer foilprint, since it (Is it DTG or HTF? need clarification) will create acracked effect on the print. However,direct-to-garment print (if it's DTGfrom last sentence then use “it”) incurs a 10% to 20% (more/less? of $ or Productionlead time?)

For the material,I have two options: The former* The first one is organic canvas.It is a wrinkle resistant material compared to linen, but only 70% will be biodegradable.The latter secondone is viscose made from bamboo and hemp,more wrinkle resistant andabsolutely biodegradable, which ties-in well with the eco-friendly theme. But viscose from bambooand hemp is 20% more expensive than organic linen and canvas. You may choose either of them(it is an option, it already impliesa choice)

When comes to lines and patterns, you couldeither try adding lines as stripes as zigzag (as stripes and as zigzag? Did you miss an “or”),or putting some zigzag patterns inside the heart. The former one gives an energetic feelwhereas the latterone adds some cuteness and vivacious feeling. These patterns absolutelymatch the styles of the image girls. Either design will lookgreat on the bag.

I hope this information will help you to make yourdecision. If you need more information....

2012-11-20 06:12:18 補充:
* The usage of fomer and latter is not appropriate. You use them only when you have already mentioned the 2 things earlier. Like, A and B are two smart students in the class. The former one won Science Olympic for kids this year and the latter one ranks No.1 in the spelling competition.

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