Form 5 Bio Help!!!

2012-11-20 3:40 am
Tom jumped from an aeroplane at 10000m height with the aid of parachute. Unluckily, he has landed on a lake and fall straightly into water. He finds that his ears cannot hear anything.

a.Suggest two possible situations of his ear.

b.Which structure in ear helps to keep balance?

c.Would the structure in (b) be easily damaged by impulse of air? Why?

d.Is it possible to recover his hearing if lots of sensory cells have been died in this accident? Explain your answer.

回答 (2)

2012-11-20 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. the ear drum is broken OR the auditory nerve is broken
b. semicircular canals (呢個係dse bio入面out左syl 定係你可能take緊個elective?xd)
c. no because it is hollow.
d. no because sensory cells cannot grow again once they were dead.
參考: myself
2012-11-20 6:01 pm
a.Suggest two possible situations of his ear.
b.Which structure in ear helps to keep balance?
c.Would the structure in (b) be easily damaged by impulse of air?

2012-11-20 10:04:03 補充:
d.Is it possible to recover his hearing if lots of sensory cells have been died in this accident? Explain your answer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 10:45:40
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