
2012-11-19 11:14 pm

回答 (5)

2012-11-20 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
我在11/21接受您的會議室申請,但並沒有要參與會議,造成您的誤會, 還請見諒!

I approved on Nov. 21 your application of conference room usage, but
I did not intend to participate in the meeting. I apologize for causing
your misunderstanding and inconvenience, if any.

參考: 羅莉 - 商業書信資深經驗
2012-11-20 8:00 pm
I take your access of a conference speech on 21th November, but i don't participate in, if it make you have a mistake, sorry for that!
參考: 我
2012-11-20 7:46 pm
I eleven-twenty firsts accepting applications for your conference room, but did not want to participate in the meeting, resulting in misunderstanding you, please forgive me!
2012-11-20 5:31 am
"...造成您的誤會,還請見諒" 建議簡單地交代 〜 ...I am terribly sorry for the confusion.
2012-11-20 12:51 am
i accept your application of conference .
i did not intend to attend the meeting , if it mistaken you , please forgive me.

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