
2012-11-19 6:57 am
Once the voters remember these figures in their mind.

The stock market is keeping increase.

The property market are beginning unfreeze


回答 (4)

2012-11-19 11:44 am
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(1) Once the voters remember these figures in their mind.
這句唔完整, Once 在這句是 conjunction, 應該還有一個 clause

Once the voters remember these figures in their mind, they do something. (~ they refers to voters)

(2) The stock market keeps on increasing.

(3) The property market are beginning unfreeze ~ Usage & Grammar 錯
兩個 verbs在一起 without infinitive or gerund
property market is singular

The property market is beginning to unfreeze ~ 不確定這句有沒有這樣寫
原因 property market 不會自己解凍; unfreeze is a transitive verb. It needs an object.
to unfreeze prices, to unfreeze wages, to unfreeze an asset , to unfreeze credit market…
只有國家政府,法院握有這權力 government, Justice Department, court, Congress

unfreeze (verb) = to remove official controls of money, property, money or anything to do with economy; to relax governmental restrictions on

The government agrees to unfreeze the property market slowly

The property market is ready to unfreeze
有報紙的大字標題這樣寫, unfreeze 當 intransitive verb 用

The trend recently has been the unfreezing of the property market.

2012-11-20 03:26:39 補充:
mind is also an uncountable noun. I guess you can use singular or plural form, depending on usage.
I think anyone can lose weight if they set their mind to it. ~ from a dictionary
This caused such a ruckus all over Japan that they had to change their mind. ~ from a dictionary

2012-11-20 03:47:08 補充:
用在 stock market "升"有:
boom, advance, rise, soar, surge
有人用 increase, 不能說他們錯

The Stock Market and the Discount Rate Increase ~ Daily Finance
Americans are enjoying a stock market increase ~ from examiner.com
Global Stock Markets Increase By 26% in 2010 ~ Carpe Diem

2012-11-20 04:43:39 補充:
sink in = 被理解;被理會
It took a long time for the bad news to sink in.

be etched in one’s mind/memory = 深印在腦海/記憶中
If an experience, name is etched in your mind/memory, you cannot forget it and you think of it often.

This terrible event is etched forever in my memory. ~ from Yahoo Dictionary
參考: Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary
2012-11-23 6:07 pm
Once having been nominated,the voters will bear his image in their minds.
The trend of stock maket indexes continues to roll upwards.
The freezing realestate markets will be recovered graduately.

2012-11-23 10:12:19 補充:
Amendment: The trend of stock market indexes continues to roll upwards.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” by Hongkong Oxford University Press1975
2012-11-19 10:31 pm
1. Once the voters remember these figures in their mind.
(我這句係咪唔完整,點改?) 首先講一講個人意見remember … in …mind是很地道的中式/港式英文…你留意多一些正式的英語刋物或小說或新聞報導等,你不會見到形容或描述記得/記住會用到他的mind裏的…這是中文用腦記住或記入腦的英文字化身而已。如果我係你的英文老師就會算你錯在這處。不過… Remember這個字解作「記得/憶記/記起」用意是指一些有記憶需要或作用的事物或記憶的過程動作,而你想寫的意思似是「入腦/印象/烙印」那種記憶,所以我覺得那動詞已經用錯。再加上你想講嵌入腦…咁深入的意思,則一定不是remember,有一句英文phrasal verb可以用的,叫sink in。或如果這裏看似是conditional clause可能要寫作past tense 的 sunk in,意思是「當這些經已印在選民的腦裏(英文便不用mind/brain這些字的了)…,…」,sink in不是指沉入了(水底),然後怎樣呢? Once these figures sunk in by the voters,…當然這句似乎比你的英文水平度和要求高了兩級,所以只是寫出來給你看看。 你原句還有一種按你現時程度可以改好一點的寫法:Once the voters have these figures in their minds, ….當前面的情況係咁,還有後句接下去會點…這句應該看得明白吧。不是用remember(這動詞)來表達記住了/嵌入腦,而是寫出腦(mind)的話便寫成那些數字已經在腦子裏(have…in),最後留意minds是要眾數的,因為你有多個voter(s),他們各自有各自的腦mind(s),不是那些數字只記在一個集腦單一的中央腦(mind)裏。…

2. The stock market is keeping increase.
股市一浪高於一浪 這裏有兩個錯處:1. market本身不是用increase或decrease來形容的,你想講的股市浪則用浪(wave/tide)的形容語來借用,即是rise/fall。2. is keeping你想用以表達不斷繼續的continuous吧? 如果按你需要用主動詞寫:The stock market keeps on rising.文法的邏輯是:keep是動詞表示stock market的現況是持續…rising是動名詞用以表達持續的是那種狀況。
3. The property market are beginning unfreeze

這句有兩個錯處:market是單數…卻用了are…要修正動詞後的infintive: The property market is beginning to unfreeze.
2012-11-19 7:56 pm
Once (upon a time) the voters remembered these figures in their mind.
The stock market is keeping increasing.
The property market is beginning to defrost.
The property market is beginning to be unfrozen.

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