
2012-11-19 12:21 am
我係香港永久性居民,而家係poly讀緊機械工程yr1, 之後如果畢業要技術移民外國難唔難?
我諗住去年去exchange, 移民返去過既國家係咪又會易d呢?

回答 (4)

2012-11-19 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案






Immigrating to Canada permanently is an exciting opportunity. However, there are several things you should consider before you apply to be a permanent resident.

If you want to immigrate to Canada, there are a few different ways to apply. You will need to decide which immigration program will work best for you and your family.

Determine your eligibility
Find out which program you might be eligible for, and what can make you inadmissible to Canada.

See the requirements and the steps to apply in each category:

•Skilled workers and professionals
For people who want to settle and work in Canada (outside of Quebec)

•Quebec-selected skilled workers
For people selected by the Quebec government to settle and work in Quebec

•Canadian Experience Class
For people who have recent Canadian work experience or have graduated and recently worked in Canada

•Investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed people
For people who want to start a business in Canada

•Provincial nominees
One of Canada’s provinces or territories can nominate you to settle and work there

•Sponsoring your family
How to sponsor a family member to join you here if you are a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen

•Live-in caregivers
For individuals who are qualified to provide care for children, elderly persons or persons with disabilities in private homes without supervision

For people in or outside Canada who fear returning to their home country
2012-11-20 5:17 pm
除咗啲落後國家 之外,如果你想移民去邊個國家, 嗰個國家會首先睇下你去到對佢地有咩用。對佢地個國家有咩好處。

1. 申請職業移民
所有國家都唔會俾人隨便移民去住嘅 。 個個國家啲工作都要先俾自己嘅公民做 , 唔會咁容易俾外國人做。
你在香港或任何國家大學畢業, 只係你嘅基本條件。就算你讀完碩士, 或者去過做交換學生, 如果無人要請你 , 你就唔可以申請職業移民。
你係專門人才 , 好似得過諾貝爾獎,
或者你會做嘅 工作係佢地全國都無乜人識做嘅 , 仲要有人請你去做。
2 . 或者你同佢地嘅國民結婚
3 . 或者你父母或你兒女係該國公民
咁樣就唔使好多錢都有條件移民 。
4. 如果你上面的條件都無, 就只可以在該國投資, 如果你有港幣四五百萬, 都會有機會。
2012-11-19 3:56 am
2012-11-19 3:49 am
I will suggest you to do more research first.

You don't know what you are talking about and asking.

Even giving you the answers will not help you at all.

2012-11-19 03:54:25 補充:
Very Simple - as a starter, why not looking to a place that you really want first?

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