
2012-11-18 8:28 am
我想問係咪要用pase tense??

There is really a curse on incumbent president, Obama has always been eloquent and unflappable but surprisingly he stands on the debate desk listlessly in daze. Neither attack competitor’s weakness nor defend his political achievement convincingly. It seems like he desires to win but scared of defeat. If he isn't highly valued and stays humble and take the offensive against Romney on the next two debates. The whole situation of election may go into reverse and it gets the whole Republican Party and Obama into uphill battle. In the debate, Romney has a huge change of his lethargic image. On the one hand take a whack at Obama' economic policy are useless and inefficient, on the other hand he makes an all-out efforts to wash away his image of in favour of the rich. In order the momentum and determination of the last battle. Romney was established his high prestige, who is ahead of Obama successfully. It was the first time he got the affirmation from half of the voters.

回答 (1)

2012-11-22 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It was really a curse on incumbent president, Obama had always been eloquent and unflappable but surprisingly he stood on the debate desk listlessly in a daze. Neither attacked competitor’s weakness nor defended his political achievement convincingly. It seemed likely that he desired to win but being scared by defeat. If he wasn't highly valued and stayed humble and took the offensive against Romney on the next two debates. The whole situation of election might go into reverse and it got the whole Republican Party and Obama into uphill battle. In the debate, Romney had a huge change of his lethargic image. On the one hand taking a whack at Obama' economic policy were useless and inefficient, on the other hand he maked an all-out efforts to wash away his image for in favour of the rich, that'll be the momentum and determination of his last contest. Romney had established his high prestige, who was ahead of Obama successfully. It was the first time he got the affirmation from half of the voters.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Transl ation” by Hongkong Oxford University Press1975

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:33:36
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