Is helping disabled parents classed as employment?

2012-11-18 5:27 am
A friend helped his disabled parents move furniture and pack goods ready for a decent homes program being carried out. He was still fulfilling his job search requirement and was not paid any money, but he told the job centre what he would be doing; they stopped his J.S.A and classed him as getting paid the minimum wage for the time he helped his parents as they are ''not a charity'' and what he did was classified as being ''in paid employment''. Can this really be right? Does this mean that unemployed persons can't help their elderly and or disabled parents without being penalised? Note that ALL the J.S.A requirements were still fulfilled and had a job become available this would have been taken up.

Rachel, the chap did not get paid and he did provide proof of his job search; he had been told by the person who signed him on prior to giving this aid that he had to declare anything done and would have to prove this did not stop him seeking work as per his job seekers agreement, he did so and is punished in this heartless way. Even employers would give compassionate leave or allow the employee to use holiday entitlement. Do any advisers feel this action is right? I thought certain things were allowed or do claimants now have to say: ''no I can't help you'' when their parents are needing help?

回答 (5)

2012-11-18 6:30 am
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It sounds very strange that they would count this as 'being in paid employment'. What they *would* usually count this as is 'not actively seeking work' - which it sounds as though he wasn't.
To answer your question directly, yes it does mean that he can't help people etc during working hours - if the regulations are interpreted by a real jobsworth :/
What I don't understand is why he told them he was doing this? It really doesn't help to draw attention to oneself.
He can, of course, now appeal. The appeal process is long and painful - so he needs to decide if it's worth it,probably depending on how many days' money they stopped.
Most cities have a benefits advice officer/legal advice centre or citizen's advice bureau with someone who specialises in this area that he could contact for help with an appeal
2012-11-18 9:23 am
If he was being paid to help them, then it could be considered that he was in employment. That said, I would think it's odd to class helping your own parents as employment. Your friend should go back to the job centre, and ask them to explain their decision - they may have misunderstood what your friend was saying and thought that he was not keeping himself available to look for work or attend interviews at all times, as the JSA agreement requires. If talking to the Job Centre doesn't help, tell him to go to his MP.
2016-11-26 3:09 pm
rather some the solutions sent to you incorporate all the documents you like. basically needed to function some issues. from the way you wrote your letter, you for sure are not from the U. S. or in uk. you would be able to desire to in all probability be asian,like me. even though which you reside in a united states below a dictatorship, your united states is component to a huge company that addresses training international. in case you're certainly asian, your united states is a member of an company that oversees training interior of asia. there are web pages for it which you will seek. you additionally can checkout your united states's branch/ministry of training internet site to establish greater of your rights as parents..and what the government can do so you might handle your desires. sturdy success!
2012-11-18 6:32 am
He shouldn't have told them anything about helping his parents --- not if he was still fulfilling his job search requirements. I've been claiming JSA since late September and have been receiving £50 every few weeks from my gran since April.

The rules have recently changed re: JSA, but even so. There was no reason for your fried to have told the job centre that he would be receiving a small amount of money for helping his parents. If you declare that you have been given a certain amount of money, they cancel your claim quicker than a bolt of lightening. What your friend did was not "employment". His parents gave him money after he helped them.

If his claim hasn't been stopped completely (and he will receive a JSA payment in the future) advise him not to tell that JC about money he receives for helping his parents or other relatives. By the same reckoning, they could also stop a JSA payment for receiving money for a birthday or Christmas present.

He needs that JSA money to live. It's ridiculous. What he did was hardly "full time employment". I don't declare my savings or what I get from my gran every few weeks --- that's none if their business as long as I keep looking for work/fulfilling my job search requirement. You friend shouldn't either --- it's not like he's claiming JSA and working a full time (30 hr/week+) job all the time. He didn't do anything illegal.

The JC/DWP like to penalise anyone for anything. Your friend could appeal the decision on the grounds that he is not in full time employment and that he received a small amount of money for helping his parents. That's not illegal. Parents like to help their kids any way they can.
2012-11-18 5:43 am
The JC is an absolute b*tch sometimes! They stop your money at any chance possible. I have no idea why your friend told the JC that he was doing this!!!!!!!!!! Most stupid thing ever. He will have to start his claim again and get his money back dated.
參考: Signed on for 8 months until i found a job

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