can doctors change lab results?

2012-11-17 10:04 pm
im real suspicious about my doctor, I was arguing with him how I can cure myself, there is a cure for everything, he told me im delusional and told me Ill die and take my meds.

well Ive been seeing a natropath and following there book and and also meditating learning to heal myself.

anyways I went in for blood work so the doctor could find my genome type to put me on meds, well they took one tube of blood, 2 weeks later, the doctor tells me they cant put me on meds yet, because the lab didnt run my blood, I do not have enough virus in the blood he claimed. I asked how do you know how much virus is in the blood if they didnt run it? and by him being a doctor he should already know this stuff.

I didnt believe him, my natropath said they did run the blood, and they didnt find any virus, if they find the virus they will do the real test and run that for the genome type.

2 months later I get my blood drawn again, this time he take 3 tubes, and I left out, 1 week later I have a appointment to meet with him, I call him on the day im suppose to come in and explain I cant make it in and if I could have my results over the phone, he told me he will call me back later that day, I never got a call back, I called the nurse and left a voice mail the next day, she never called back, I called the doctor everyday, never no call back, two weeks later he calls and says he has my results, and he ask me if I was taking those pre meds he put me on I said yes, then he said OK thats why!, I was like that why what? he said your Viral load is 289, and my CD4 is at 800 now. I then told him im not taking the meds and then he said you said you were, I said I tried it for 3 days only and stopped, then he sounded confused, I then asked, is there a possibility this whole Medical scare was just a mistake? he then paused for a few seconds, then asked, where was I tested at, I told him where, then he was like , well they ran the western blot and thats pretty accurate, But what I noticed if my VL was 289, why did he pause and think about my question? why didn't he just tell me the proof is in the papers in his hands?

I feel he may have tampered with my labs, because when I first started seeing him, I was debating with him, that this disease is curable and he told me im wrong and he thought I was stubborn, and he just insisted he was right and refused to belive, he seems like he hates to be wrong and is all about money.

回答 (2)

2012-11-20 3:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
So for me the question is, if you have all these done, why not getting a second meaning from a different doctor? You don't believe him anymore, so another check might be changing your whole life and than you find out that you're not dying at all.
Think about it, or ask your dad if he agree to change..
2016-12-29 6:16 pm
while you're that demanding, then only pass to a distinctive wellbeing care provider and get a 2d opinion. uncertain, in the event that they might tamper with outcomes, yet my mums wellbeing care provider advised us (without evidence) all this scientific crap, so we'd pay hundreds for therapy or regardless of, and we went someplace else one time, and that wellbeing care provider advised us, she did not even have 0.5 those issues her unique wellbeing care provider advised her she had...having mentioned that, he replace into an quite advertisement wellbeing care provider..

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